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Louis doesn't know why, but as he turns back to human he finds himself at the Horan house. To his luck the omega seems to be home for once. The scent of Niall and Ed is fresh, so they probably just came here.

The blue eyed omega goes to the back of the house, looking up at the window he knows is Nialls. The light is turned on and the window opened. What a lucky coincidence.

So Louis is quick to pick up the ladder from the side of the house and bring it to the window. He leans the metal object against the wall and takes a deep breath. Without looking back he climbs up the ladder and reaches the window quick. Without looking first he just climbs inside.

Just as he is safe in the room he looks up, seeing two very confused omegas looking at him.

He smiles timidly and scratches the back of his head. "Hi, uhm, quick question." he starts, not loosing a second. "Would it be fine if I spend the night here?"

Niall and Ed exchange a quick look before the blonde omega looks confused at his friend. "Sure, but why?"

Louis sighs, smile disappearing from his face. He sits down on the floor, leaning against the wall. "I found out Zayn and Harry had a bet going on if Harry will be able to bring me to submit to him."

Niall is quick to get off his bed and sitting down next to Louis. "I am so so sorry, Louis. I wanted to tell you, but Zayn--"

Louis' head snaps up to look at Niall wide eyed. "You knew?"

The blonde omega swallows heavily and nods. "Yea, I overheard them talking about that. I told them that it's stupid, but Zayn told me I'm not allowed to tell you."

Louis breathes deeply in and out. "It's okay, Niall." he assures the nervous omega. "I know you wanted to be a good omega for Zayn." Niall nods, regret written all over his face.

"I really wanted to tell you." he mumbles before being pulled into a side hug by the brown haired wolf.

"It's fine. Thanks for letting me stay here." Niall shakes is head.

"That's the least I can do for you."


"Hi, can I sit?" Louis asks as he stands at the table with Ashton, Luke, Calum and Michael. They all look a little confused, but nod.

"Why aren't you sitting with your boyfriend?" Ashton asks a little concerned.

The omega shrugs. "Long story." he mumbles and takes a bite from his lunch, dropping the topic.

"No!" All eyes turn towards the loud yell. Louis knows this voice well.

"Niall, I swear, sit back down." Zayn growls at his boyfriend.

Niall glares at Zayn. "No, I won't! He needs to respect that Lou needs space right now!" Niall says very loudly, pointing at Harry, who is standing in front of Niall. The omega seems to have stopped him from walking to Louis.

"It's non of your buisness, Niall, it's not your relationship." Zayn says.

"But he is my best friend! And I told you that he will be fucking hurt if he is to find out so give him bloody time, okay?" Without waiting for an answer the omega turns around and walks over to the table where Louis is sitting.

He stops next to Louis, not looking at anyone. "Can I sit?" he asks quiet now fully aware that all eyes are on him.

"Sure." Calum says and Niall sits down.

Louis hugs Niall as soon as the blonde one sits. "Thank you." he says quiet.

"That was really cool, Niall." Michael says, smiling at the boy. Luke nods agreeing, a smile on his face as well.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang