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It's saturday, the day of the big 'friendship-game' between Louis' old and new school. The omega successfully ignored Harry friday, but today he has to pretend as if they were still in a happy relationship. He didn't tell anyone from his family what happend. It is kinda embarrassing for him that he fell again for the games of an idiotic alpha. So Louis' sisters and mom believe that Harry just has a lot to do because he will be the Pack Leader soon, that's why he isn't at the Malik-Tomlinson house that often. The truth is, Louis told him he should stay away for a while. He clearly told the alpha that he doesn't want to see him at his house all the time. And to the omega's own surprise Harry actually listened.

But today he had to text the alpha.

Please act as if we were still happy together

The girls don't know what an arse you are


I'm sorry Louis

I know, you said that a lot

But today doesn't change a thing

We still aren't together


Did you just break up with me?

Are they broken up? Louis doesn't know and if he is totally honest with himself he actually doesn't want to. Damned are those fucking gorgeous green eyes and brown curls. And the smile and the laugh and the dimples and just the alpha in general!

Let's call it a break


And that's that. They gonna pretend they are happy when they are actually on a break.

Louis stands on the football field, his football shorts on and the shirt with the number 28 on it. His last name is written over that number. On the front is the school crest. Yes, the school printed shirts just for this game.

"I wanna give you a little heads up." Lottie says as the Tomlinson family stands together, except for Jay who will be coming a little later when the game actually starts. "Families from our school will come to see the game too."

Louis frowns, not quite sure what his oldest sister wants to tell him. "And that means...?"

Lottie rolls his eyes fondly, but before she can answer he phone makes a sound telling her she got a text from someone. "Wait for two more minutes."

Louis' frown deepens and he wants to ask what she means, but Niall comes running to them.

"I did it!" he exclaims smiling, grabbing Louis by his shoulders and jumping up and down. "I did it!" he says again.

Louis chuckles at his friend. "What did you do?" he asks very amused.

Niall stills, looking Louis in his eyes. "I told Zayn that he needs to stop being so controlling and let me be my own person or we won't work anymore."

The brown haired omega's eyes grow wide. "What did he say?" he asks a little nervous. He hopes they are still fine.

"He said he didn't realise that his behaviour scares me sometimes and that I don't actually like that if he is so threatening. He apologized and told me he will try to change." Louis smiles happily, pulling Niall into a hug. "He also said I'm allowed to kick his knee if he is an arse to me." Niall chuckles and so does Louis.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now