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"Okay, but why is it so fucking warm? It's the beginning of October!" Louis complains as he, Harry, Niall and Liam sit outside for lunch break.

The last days got rather hot for October in England. Also, Louis is mostly himself again and Harry couldn't be happier about that. There are a few moments where he is quiet and looks scared, but Harry knows how to act when this happens. Louis just needs a few cuddles and kisses and he is good again.

"I can help you!" Liam exclaims. He takes his water bottle and with a quick move of his hand splashes water into Louis' face, who sits opposite him.

The omega stares at Liam with an open mouth, shocked. "You didn't just do that." he says in a scary-calm voice. His hair is wet and so is his shirt and his pants.

The blue eyed boy jumps up, his own water bottle in hand and starts to chase after Liam, who got up and ran away. Louis is a rather fast little omega and with this quick to catch up to Liam.

The beta suddenly stops, turns around and ducks away just in time to avoid any water to land on him. Instead all the water is now tripping down Mr. Berk's face.

Louis bites his lip, trying not to laugh at the teacher's angry face. "I am so sorry, Mr. Berk." he half-lies, because he kinda is sorry, but kinda isn't.

"You little useless, stupid omega." Mr. Berk seeths and Louis' half-smile falls at the words. The teacher steps closer, eyes turning slightly red. "I never liked you, but this is too far. I'm going to suspend you and--"

"It was an accident!" Louis interrupts, crossing his arms. He steps back to get a comfortable distance between them. "I didn't do it on purpose and I'm sorry it happened, Mr. Berk. Accidents happen!"

"Watch your mouth, omega." the teacher growls, spitting out the omega in disgust.

He is just about to insult Louis more, as a voice beats him to it. "I would advise you to watch your mouth around the future Luna, Mr. Berk."

While Louis relaxes, knowing Harry won't let Berk do anything, the teacher freezes and looks confused as Harry stops next to Louis. "You are not mated." he states.

"That's right, we are not mated yet."

Berk's eyes move to the necklace Louis is playing with innocently. He usually wears it underneath his clothes, not wanting everyone to see it. Not that he is embarrassed to be mated to Harry, it's just the whole Luna thing.

"Where did you get that?" Berk asks shocked.

Louis frowns. "Harry gave it to me." he answers truthfully.

"I'm sure you know what it means, so I advice you to apologize to Louis and also stop treating him as if he is the worst omega on earth, because he isn't. He is amazing."

Louis smiles at that and kisses Harry's cheek.

Berk takes a deep breath before apologising to Louis. The omega waves him off. "It's fine. I know you are still living in the past where omegas are to be very submissive, but that's okay. Other than you I don't expect you to change. I will survive the few month til graduation and after that you don't have to see me again. That often."

Louis smiles at the teacher before taking Harry's hand and walking back to their friends.

"God, I love you so much, cub." Harry says fondly, making Louis giggle before sending a glare towards Liam.

"You are an ass, Payne. A Payne in my ass." he says, sitting down and smiling again.

And Mr. Berk actually stopped annoying Louis for being so un-omega.

The Bet - L.S. (Omega!Louis Alpha!Harry) ✔Where stories live. Discover now