Chapter 8

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Jellal squinted his eyes as the sun hit his eyes. A faint line appeared in the horizon. And leading them was Wahid, finally he comes out of his rat hole. He stiffened.

He lifted his sword and shouted out loud.


Hundreds of soldiers ran from the opposite direction and also from their side and in a minute a fog of dust surrounded the battle field.

Jellal swiped his sword left and right slashing any enemy soldier. His horse galloped among the mass of the bodies. The clanging of swords, the screams everything was defeaning.

Suddenly an arrow swished across barely missing his ear. He let out a curse. Dust stung his eyes, he squinted his eyes to look through the fog.

His horse neighed and fell with a thud, he then noticed the arrow protruding from his side. He jumped unceremoniously from his horse. Drawing out his sword, he swung at the nearest enemy soldier.

His eyes focused on the rat that finally found it's way out of his hole. His dearest uncle, Wahid. And it seemed like his eyes found him too.

He watched him come forward with a sneer on his lips. Soon they began circling. Jellal let out a huff of breath. Soon the commotion around him didn't matter. His eyes were solely focused on the enemy before him. And then his young blood got the better of his patience and he decided to swing forward.


Nadiya decided to talk a walk around the garden. She felt restless since morning. She dismissed her eunuch guard. Questions of his well being plagued her mind all day and all through night. She walked into something hard.

She looked up to see a malicious grin on Prince Salim's face. He was one of those people who didn't strike of as a good person. She hated the way he raked his eyes over her. She nodded curtly and walked past him, when he grabbed her arm.

"Where are we going this morning beautiful?"

Nadiya yanked her hand away from the leech.

"Nowhere, your highness!" She said through gritted teeth.

He laughed, she shrugged him and walked away.

"Jellal's going to die, if he isn't dead already."

Nadiya stopped in her tracks and looked back with bloodshot eyes.

"He won't!" She said through gritted teeth.

"Oh! He will!" He said covering the distance between them. "And then you'll be all mine!" He said tracing his index finger on her cheek.

Nadiya looked at him disgusted and walked away from there. He won't die. He promised he'll be back. She calmed her heart down.


Jellal panted. They've been fighting for a while. He had a cut on his shoulder blade. It was bleeding, wetting his tunic under neath. He smirked and plunged forward.

The old man raised his sword to block his attack but failed miserably. He was too weak and stumbled and fell down. Jellal plunged forward to stab him in the abdomen. He watched as color drained from his face and life left his face.

Before he could breath relief he looked at the stinging sensation on his ribs. A dagger was protruding it. Dots appeared in his vision. He pressed the wound and lay on the ground. The world seemed to spin. Before darkness enveloped him, he heard the trumpets of victory.


Nadiya ran to the halls. She hid behind the pillar. Another message had arrived from the prince. She listened keenly. The letter conveyed that they had won the war. Strangely enough, the letter was signed by the commander in chief and not by the prince. It also said that prince was critical and hanging between life and death.

Nadiya slipped down. It can't be happening. She chanted to herself. She instantly broke into a sweat. He was alive. He'll be alright. She calmed herself down.


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