Part Six

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Part 6

Aamir's head spun. How could he convince his best friends that he wanted to marry their little sister? How would they react? Would they agree to it? Would they accept him as a brother-in-law? If they approve, would her parents approve of him?

He spent all night awake trying to think of some way to garner the courage and speak to her brothers. When dawn rose, he went to their rooms and woke them up. Aamir called them to sit on the roof top garden and watch as the sun rose. They made their fajr salaah first and then he sat them down on the wooden bench.

Aamir pulled onto his clothes nervously, fidgeting and picking on his top that he wore. He was thinking of chickening out. But he couldn't, he sighed. If he needed to tell them, he had to man up. He loved Nusayba. He loved her more than anything. But how could he say that he loved her if he could not commit to her? If he could not ask her brothers for the right to marry her? Worse yet, if he couldn't speak to them, how was he going to find the courage to speak to her father?

Was it true love if he could not find the courage to speak up for her? To make her his?

He groaned out loud, causing his best friends to look at him as if he lost his mind. "I want to ask you something," he began hesitantly.

Muhammed and Yusuf gave him twin looks of uncertainty – well, they were twins and Nusayba was the one who looked different. They waited patiently for him to speak, understanding that he was at a loss for words.

"What's up, bro?" Muhammed asked. As the first born, he was usually the one to take charge, to be the leader and make the tougher decisions. "What do you need us to help you with?"

Aamir stood up and began pacing the length of the terrace. Speed-walking the length as he kept tugging on his hair. "I don't know how to do this, I don't know how this will affect our friendship. I mean, I never wanted anything to affect our friendship. I consider you both to be my brothers. I would hate for anything to spoil our relationship, but I swear by Allah that I could not help it." He cradled his face in his hands as he continued pacing. He was ashamed and uncomfortable. His heart was racing as he tried to confess to his friends, he brothers, and hopefully the men who would become his brothers-in law. "I seriously do not know how to do this. How to confess. How to come clean. How do I tell you?"

Yusuf stood up. "Did you do something to my sister last night? I trusted you! I trusted you to take care of her, bro, not to humiliate her even further. I never thought that you would be the one – "

Aamir quickly interrupted Yusuf's furious rant. "God, no!" His eyes flew open as he processed what Yusuf thought of him. How could Yusuf think that he would take advantage of Nusayba? He would never harm her! Never! "No ways!" Brown accusing eyes turned on Nusayaba's middle brother. "By Allah, Yusuf, I would never harm your sister." He gulped loudly, but Muhammed who watched in silence stood up and faced Aamir.

"But this has something to do with Nusayba, doesn't it?" he asked calmly. Aamir surmised that Muhammed probably had an inkling as to what it was about, but Aamir knew that Muhammed would wait to draw it painfully out of him. Nusayba learned to be a sadist from the best teacher that there ever could be. Muhammed taught her how to be a terrible (read as: brilliant) negotiator and interrogator.

Aamir squeezed his eyes shut and nodded. He knew Muhammed and Yusuf for ages. He knew that there was no way that they would readily accept him. Not for their sister. Not for his princess.

"WHAT?" Yusuf growled out impatiently.

Aamir squared himself, stood feet apart and head held high as he stared at them. It was now or never.

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