Part Nine

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AN: This is it! The last chapter before the epilogue!

Part 9

Nusayba stared at them. Her two brothers, Irfaan and Yasmeen sat in front of her and around her. At the moment, she felt very clustered, very boxed in, very suffocated. "What? Can you please repeat that, again?"

Yasmeen nodded with a sigh. "This," she patted the gold giftbag that contained Nusayba's wedding dress. "This bag was sent by my mother for you. It is another one of her make-up gifts to you. She would like for you to wear it for the wedding tomorrow."

Nusayba nodded. She understood that part. Yes, that made sense. Kind of. She forgave them, she accepted the other outfit that they gave her, but this outfit seemed way too much. It probably cost as much as her ticket going back home. It was undoubtedly beautiful. "I can't understand why. I mean, your parents have done so much for my brothers and I." Embarrassed, Nusayba looked down. "Especially for me." She took a few seconds to get the blush under control.

"So, you will wear it?" Yasmeen asked hopefully. When Nusayba gave her answer in the form of an affirmative nod, Yasmeen carried on. "And then, your brothers, as well as Irfaan and I, would like to know what you think of my brother, Aamir?"

Nusayba shrugged. What could she say? What was she supposed to say? "He is a really good man, Masha Allah. I mean, wow, he survived his whole family moving away. He grew up really well, considering that he was without his parents and siblings."

"Really, Nusayba?" Yusuf exclaimed. He pulled on his hair. "That is all you can say?"

Muhammed hit the back of his neck and gave him a sharp, stern look. "Look, Nusayba, tomorrow, alongside his cousin, Aamir is going to get married."

It was as if a bomb had been dropped on her. Married? Aamir? What? How? When? When was it organised? Her heart shattered.

Her mouth fell open, her eyes widened in shock and then, the reaction he wanted, tears welled up in her eyes. Furiously, she blinked it back. "Oh, wow," she sighed. As if all the light had left her, she slumped down. Her shoulders bending inwards, as if it would comfort her. "Wow, Masha Allah. May Allah bless their union, and grant them infinite happiness, love and pious little kiddies."

Her chest started burning, all the unsaid words. All the unspoken thoughts. He was getting married? How long had he known? Why had he never told her? Why? If she had known, she would never have come along the trip!

"I always told him that if he came to India, he would return to Cape Town as a married man." Her tone was cold, bitter, but it was almost whispered.

"Do you think he is ready for marriage, Nusayba didi?" Irfaan asked her.

Her red-rimmed brown eyes stared at Irfaan. "I... I don't know, I mean, I can't say anything. It isn't my place." She knew now, there was no hope for them. Not that he had ever said anything, nor had he indicated it in any manner. Now, it was confirmed, they would never have a chance.

"Bull shit," Yusuf exploded. "We know, Nusayba. We all know!"

"Know what?" she kept shaking her head, as if it would erase the truth that Aamir was going to be married in less than a few hours. "Who knows what?"

Sensing her discomfort, Irfaan pulled Yasmeen up by her hand and forcibly dragged her out of the room. "We will be downstairs," he said and apologised as he left, pulling his nosy sister along with him.

"What? What do you know, Yusuf?" she cried as the tears fell freely. She was frustrated, sad and scared. Since first seeing him, Nusayba had imagined her life with him. Married to him. Being so stupid, she had even rejected the proposals that had come for her, because she was waiting on him. Waiting for him.

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