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Jungkook's Pov

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Jungkook's Pov

Turns out it was one of the hardest things I've ever done.

In these last three days all I've wanted to do was tell Y/N I was coming up to Seoul and that we'd be able to meet in person. I even thought about asking Yeonju to scrap the plan, but I have a really strong feeling the surprise would make Y/N so happy. 

That's all I wanna do. Make her happy.

So I haven't told her anything and I've tried to play it cool whenever Y/N and I spoke. Trying not to let the plan slip.

It was just so easy to tell her things. But this was something I had to keep to myself.

After three long days of trying not to reveal the plan it was finally being set into motion. I had just boarded the plane with Jimin and his family. 

Just before boarding I had told Y/N that I had a really important dance recital and I needed her out of my head because she's too much of a gorgeous distraction. She just laughed and told me to shut up before leaving.

It was mostly true though. She is a gorgeous distraction. And I really do need her out of my head or I'm definitely going to spill something about the plan by accident. 

Before all I felt was excitement, but now that it's actually happening I'm nervous out of my mind. I kinda just wanna talk to her about everything. She always knows exactly how to calm me down and get me to forget about whatever has me stressing out.

I guess if my soulmate isn't available my best friend is the next best option. I turned to Jimin hoping he'd help.

"Jimin, I'm stressing out."

"What? Why? She's literally your soulmate don't worry."

"Yeah, but what if I mess up? Or what if this whole thing is a terrible idea?"

"You won't mess up Kook. If she wanted to reject you she would've done it already. And this isn't a terrible idea. Yeonju, one of Y/N's best friends, helped plan it. You'll be fine. Everything will be fine. Take a nap man, you're gonna die for an hour if you stay awake for this whole flight."

"Yeah... Yeah. It will all go great, everything will be great. You're right."

"Yip, exactly. Now just lay back and take a nap. Take advantage of the fact that there aren't any babies on this flight."

I laughed at Jimin's remark, settling down to nap. Hopefully this helps.



Today my friend Yeonju was taking me to see Namsan Tower for the first time. Even though I was born and raised in Seoul I had never been before. I always wanted to go with my soulmate, I always imagined it as a cute date.

When Yeonju offered to take me I wanted to say no, that I had to go with Jungkook. But it seemed kinda dumb to wait for him to be in Seoul. He lived all the way in Busan and we both already knew it would be a while before either of our parents let us travel to see each other. 

So I said yes. And now here we where, at the bottom of Namsan Tower.

The two of us went straight up to enjoy the view. As we got off the elevator Yeonju turned to me.

"Y/N I'll be right back I just have to use the bathroom real quick."

"What now?"

"Yeah, don't worry I'll be really quick."

"Okay, hurry back then."

"Go look at the view while I'm gone~"

I walked over to look out at the gorgeous city of Seoul as Yeonju ran off to the bathroom.

Looking out at the view all I could think of was Jungkook. I had wanted to see this with my soulmate ever since I was young, and now that I knew Jungkook was my soulmate I wanted to see it with him even more.

Just as I was thinking about him I heard his voice echo in my head.


"Hey Bunbun," I smiled, "You finally fully rested after your dance recital?"

"Yip, except I didn't have a recital. I was on a plane ride."

"What, to where?"

"Turn around."

I turned around and behind me there he stood. Dressed up with a bouquet of flowers grasped in his hands and a grin on his face.

He walked closer, still grinning and opened his mouth to speak.

"Hi Y/N." He whispered, standing right in front of me. All I could do was stare up at him.

This couldn't be real.


Hi lovelies~

This is the end of this short story, sorry to leave you on such a cliff hanger lol but this was all I had planned for Connection.

Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me, I'm so thankful to you for even taking a chance on the first chapter let alone completing it.

I honestly never thought I'd get any more than 10 reads lol

Thank you so much💙💙

Thank you so much💙💙

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