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"Hi Y/N." He said.

I couldn't believe my eyes. There he was. Standing right there in front of me.

He walked up to me, a grin spread across his face. He wrapped me up in a hug.

I was still in shock and couldn't believe this was actually Jungkook, my Jungkook, hugging me right now. I thought the two of us would never physically cross paths. And yet, here he was. He found a way.

"How is this even possible?" I questioned, my head still resting on his chest.

"I hitched a ride with a friend," he chuckled, "Yeonju helped us organise everything."

I pulled out of the hug shocked.

"So what do you wanna do?" Jungkook laughed.

"Well how long are you here?"

"About a month,"

"That's so long!" I squealed, ecstatic that i would be able to spend so much time with him in person.

"For today I just want to be here with you and look out at the city."

"Okay," he replied, a sweet smile gracing his lips, "Then I'll admire the view.

I grabbed his hand and turned away to admire the city of Seoul. I had never seen it from this high before.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" I said quietly.

"Gorgeous." Jungkook replied.

I turned to look at him and realised he had been watching me the entire time. My face immediately flushed and he laughed as I tried to hide my face.

"Hey don't hide away, I came all this way to see you!" Jungkook said as gently took my hands away from my face. He lowered our held hands and pulled me closer.

Quickly I looked around us, embarrassed that people might see how closely we were standing.

Somehow Jungkook had managed to drag me into a quiet section of the tower because there was nobody around us.

I looked back up at him and held my breath while he smiled down at me.

"I'm really happy to see you Y/N. It feels so good to be standing right in front of you like this."

"I know exactly what you mean,"

He released my hands and instead softly cupped my face stepping in even closer than before.

Instinctively I tugged on his shirt, pulling him closer still.

We stared at each other, neither of us moving. The only sound coming from the far way people looking out at Seoul.

Jungkook had the most beautiful dark eyes. They were like portals into a different universe and the stars shone threw them.

As I looked up into his eyes I had only one thought.

I've been waiting 18 years to be able to kiss my soulmate and I wasn't about to wait another second longer.

My hand slipped behind his head and I pulled him down to meet my lips.

They say you feel sparks when you kiss your soulmate, but what i felt was like a star exploding.

I kissed Jungkook and the world suddenly felt different. I couldn't even begin to describe the feeling, but suddenly everything was better than before.

The two of us spent as much of that month going on as many dates as we possible. We kissed as often as we could and the feeling never changed or dimmed.

When Jungkook left for Busan in January we promised to try and visit each other as much as we could until we could be completely independent.

A year later Jungkook moved to Seoul for university. Six years after that we both had our degrees and stable jobs, so we decided to get married.

And then came you two. Our little babies.

I know you weren't expecting such a long story when you asked about your Dad and I, but I wanted to tell it to kids properly.

It still feels like a supernova everytime we kiss.

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