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Valerie P.O.V.

I broke away from the dance as the song ended and told the girls that I was headed for a bathroom break. I declined their offers to come with, letting them continue their fun.

My mind swirled with the image imprinted into my brain of the guy staring at me. He was insanely attractive. Strong, sharp jawline with moderately full lips and captivating, sexy bedroom eyes. Complete with a generous head of wavy brunette hair, that was short on the sides and slightly longer in the front.

Damn. I should have given him a thorough head to toe eye assault too.

He was tall from what I gathered, with broad shoulders. God, a guy like that must be aware of how totally hot he is.

I continued on my search for the bathroom, internally face-palming myself. Why didn't I ask where it was before I left? I walked past a couple doors, none of which were labelled with a bathroom sign, and some of which were locked. I really didn't want to end up walking in and becoming witness to the commitment of nefarious activities, so I promptly avoided those. Like a lightbulb moment, I came around to a long winding staircase leading to the second level. Generally, second floors hold bedrooms, and bedrooms mean bathrooms, right? Hopefully guest ones?

I contemplated whether I should go up or not as this area of the house was quite empty. Ah screw it- I'm busting and getting even more delirious as time passes. I hastily made my way up the stairs and finally found a spare bathroom. Upon exiting, I noticed balcony doors leading out to a large patio area. Glancing around and finding no one lurking in the shadows, I gave in to the temptation and made my way over. I'm already a snooping criminal in this house, I might as well go out and explore this area too. Besides, I could use some air. 

Sucking in a big breath, I took in the sight before me. It was a picturesque, cosy lounge area with a small fireplace, a few outdoor plants and strings of twinkly lights strung up across half of the balcony. It looked so magical. I leaned against the edge, feeling the soft breeze tickle and cool my skin. I gazed up at the night sky to see if I could spot a few stars and submit myself to the depths of my mind.

"Hey," I heard a manly voice drawl, startling me from my thoughts. It was like the sexiest morning voice I had ever heard- a moderately deep timbre with a slight rasp.

I whipped my head around to face the person.

Shit. Staring hot guy from before. I subtly drew in a full view of his body head to toe. Yep. Definitely tall. I'm guessing 6 feet, probably more. Lean too. He was built like he worked out frequently, but wasn't overly bulky standing in a pair of dark skinny jeans outlining strong legs. He had a plain t-shirt on and a blazer thrown on top, with the sleeves rolled up to reveal a few raised veins trailing down sculpted forearms and large hands.

"You can take a picture if you want," he smirked.

Okay... NOT subtle at all. Great going Valerie. Did I stare for that long?!

Wait, what? Take a picture?! What a cocky ass. It's not like he wasn't totally doing the same thing like, 15 minutes ago!

"You're not really supposed to be up here," he mused as he began walking over towards me.

"Oh right, yeah," I laughed nervously, "I was looking for the bathroom... umm, I'll get going now." I finished, awkwardly stumbling away towards the doors leading inside.

"Wait!" he called, reaching out to touch my arm gently, stopping me in my tracks.

I shot my head up to look at him and got a closer look at his eyes- they were deep golden hazel pools with hints of green. Warm and alluring like fall spice.

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