Thirty six

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Valerie P.O.V.

Salty air, messy hair, golden skin, and a boy that makes you wanna sin.

Welcome to paradise.

I woke up in a daze, as I have been nearly every day recently. Being with Carter was like a dream, it was hard to believe that this was all real.

But it was.

And I was living it.

There was never an ounce of regret of giving myself to him, in any way shape or form. Our explosive chemistry, and our undeniably strong feelings for each other were insurmountable.

"Good morning gorgeous," his low, raspy voice spoke as he nuzzled into the crook of my neck.

"Good morning beautiful," I murmured with a slight giggle.

"Beautiful?" he said amusedly, opening one eye up to squint up at me.

"Yup," I nodded with a teasing chuckle. "Beautiful boy." I pecked his temple and pulled back with a grin.

He laughed before picking up the telephone and dialled a number on the console. "Breakfast on the deck?" he whispered over to me. I nodded in approval, before wrapping a robe around myself.

Since we had now confirmed our relationship, Carter and I shared a few snaps of our little holiday destination. I mean, how could we not? The view was spectacular. I slipped on the white bikinis Ell had given me, before popping on a patterned floral mini dress and a straw sunhat to go for the day.

"Wow, you look cute." Carter commented, stepping out in a pair of sunglasses, shorts and a button up short sleeved shirt.

"Thankyou," I did a little playful twirl around the room.

"Let's head out." he chuckled, picking up a bag before leading me out of the bungalow.

We made our way to board a small boat, so that we could be taken out to snorkel along the reefs this morning, as well as do some kayaking out on the beach. We laughed for a good couple minutes at the sight of each other in our huge dorky snorkel gear and flippers. It was totally worth it though, because once you began swimming in the reef, there was a whole other world under the sea that came alive.

Healthy, vibrant coral in shades of green, blue, pink, yellow and white littered the sea bed in all kinds of structures and shapes. Tropical fish of all patterns and sizes swam by in a flurry, ducking in and out of the rocky crevices. The flippers made it so easy to float and glide above the water, ensuring we were careful not to trample the coral. We spent hours out on the reef, privileged to be able to explore such a beautiful underwater world. Carter had his gopro, recording a few clips before he put it aside to swim around freely. I spotted a couple of bright blue starfish planted between midsts of coral, before Carter pointed out dory and nemo, which were actually incredibly tiny in comparison to their surroundings. It was epic. I was definitely feeling the mermaid vibes as we swam breezily through the aquamarine waters.

After fulfilling a satisfying dose of snorkelling, we got up to have lunch. There were exotic fruits such as guava, pineapple, papaya, passionfruit, and starfruit laid out for us, alongside colourful salads, bread rolls and a cold, fresh coconut. To finish off the afternoon, we hired a few kayaks to explore the gorgeous hidden lagoons surrounding the island. Everything was so picturesque and peaceful. I had a newfound appreciation for nature; we truly lived in such a stunning world.


It was now day three of Bora Bora. Well technically day twoish since we got here Monday afternoon. We had spent the day going out on an adventure ropes course and did a bit of ziplining across the treetops to finish it off. In the afternoon, we chose to relax on the beach and enjoy the laid back atmosphere with some swimming and sunbathing.

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