Twenty eight

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Valerie P.O.V.

Carter had told me to dress nicely, but I didn't have to be very formal, so I decided to put on a linen black, thick-strapped dress that had a wrap over skirt and a tie on the side of the waist. Feeling a little bolder, I dug out the burgundy red lingerie set I had splurged on at Victoria's Secret and slipped that on underneath. I felt really good tonight, and the underwear just gave me that extra, secret boost of confidence.

After making sure my makeup looked okay, I brushed through my hair once more before slipping on some strappy sandals. Hearing a knock on the door, I immediately sprung up from my seat and waltzed over to answer it.

The air was knocked out of my lungs, and my heart pounded against my chest as Carter stood there, holding a dozen, long-stemmed, ruby red roses. He looked immaculate as always, dressed in a pair of skinny black trousers rolled up at the ankles, a belt, some nice sneakers and a grey t-shirt with a blue jean jacket over the top. The perfect mix of casual and dressy.

"Hi Valerie," he shot me a brilliant smile, eyes twinkling radiantly as he stared down at me. "You look beautiful."

"So do you, handsome." I smiled dreamily.

"These are for you princess," he said, handing me the roses. I took them from him and admired the flawless smooth petals, breathing in the sweet, fresh fragrance. This is the first time I've ever been given flowers on a date.

"Thankyou Carter, they're lovely." I said gratefully, reaching up to place a kiss on his cheek. I walked over to the kitchen before filling up a vase and placed them inside. "Shall we go?" I asked him.

"Your carriage awaits," he said taking my arm in his to leave, "a.k.a. my Jeep," he added, earning a chuckle from us both.

Chivalry is not dead people.

We arrived at a modern-looking restaurant called Nobu, so I assumed it would be Japanese food. Yum. We ordered two platters, one for each of us filled with some edamame, sashimi, sushi rolls and a mix of nigiri including tuna and salmon. He thanked the server before digging in. I followed his lead as I wasn't sure what to start with first.

"Mmm this place is nice," I said after gulping down a big mouthful, causing Carter to bite back a laugh.

"You're really something else Val," he lightly shook his head at me with a tender smile gracing his face.

I grinned cheekily, I can't help that I like to eat. I finished off majority of my platter, feeling incredibly satisfied before Carter went to clear his throat.

"Hey..." he said softly.

I looked up at him expectantly to continue, as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"I know not many people do this these days... but I wanted to ask... do you... I mean, would you... like to be my girlfriend?" he asked nervously, chewing on his lip.

I put my chopsticks down on the table, stunned as I stared at him, my mind trying to comprehend what he just said.

He wants me to be his girlfriend? HIM. This perfect human being?

My brain was screaming at me to answer but I felt like I couldn't breathe, I was overwhelmed with emotions. What does this mean?! Am I ready for this?! I mean... I didn't think this would happen!

"Valerie?" he hesitantly grabbed my hand resting on the table. I looked down towards where our hands connected, feeling the soft tingles on my skin. "It's okay if you... you don't want to," he continued quietly, with a saddened look in his eyes. "I know we never really had this talk... honestly I just assumed that you weren't seeing anyone else and, and- I hope you're not... oh god. But I want you, if you want me too..." He rambled on, shifting uncomfortably.

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