Chapter 22

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"That's the last of it

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"That's the last of it."

Jack picked up the two remaining boxes, craning his neck to the side to accept the kiss Aimee gave him. As they separated, he glanced my way, an unspoken understanding passing between us before he moved towards the door. "I'll be downstairs, but take as long as you need."

"Thanks, babe," Aimee replied, exhaling slowly once the door to our apartment fell shut.

My apartment.

Two weeks had passed since Aimee dropped the bomb that she was pregnant and planning to move out, and while the news had certainly shaken me, I was incredibly happy for her. I just hadn't expected her to jump into action right away. Within a few days, a pile of boxes began to appear, filling quickly and making it clear this was a sooner rather than later type of move.

And why wouldn't it be? She wanted to be with Jack, and with nothing holding her here, she was free to do just that.

"So," I started, trying to keep the sadness out of my voice, "I guess this is it."

Aimee's lips twitched. "I guess it is," she replied, her gaze swinging slowly around the room with nostalgia.

I struggled with what to say next. I wanted to say congratulations one more time—to wish her well without making it seem like she was moving across the country instead of simply across the city—but most of all, I wanted to tell her I'd miss her. Though when I failed to find the words, she jumped in once more.

"I know I kind of sprung the whole moving out business on you—"

I shook my head, cutting her off. "It's fine, really."

Shifting from one foot to another, Aimee sighed. "You keep saying that, but I know it probably fucking sucks that this is happening the same time everything else in your life is being flipped upside down."

"I mean, it's not ideal—" The excitement in her eyes dimmed as remorse crept in. "—but I'm not holding it against you." Things were changing in both our lives and no realistic person would expect things to stay exactly the same, but when it came to our friendship, I knew we'd find a way to make things work. "Sure, it'll be different not living across the hall from you, and that'll take some getting used to, but I'll still be here. I'm still your best friend, and whether you need me to be there to bitch about Jack's game schedule or to babysit your future little monster, I will be. That's not something you ever need to worry about."

Hope sparked in her features. "So, you're saying I'm forgiven?"

"There's nothing to forgive," I replied, my mouth lifting into a smile. "Though there might be if I stop hearing from you now that we're not living together," I added teasingly. "I expect constant updates about how your job's going, what living with Jack is like, and any news you get about the little bun in your oven."

"Don't worry, I'll make sure to keep you in the loop," she said with reassurance. "Plus, do you really think I can go all that long without seeing you? There'll be plenty of brunches and girls' nights in our futures, that's for sure."

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