Far Too Young to Die (I)

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We stood right outside the door to his room. "You can go on in, sweetheart. I'll be out here with the others,"Breezy said. I nodded and let go of Frank. He squeezed my shoulder and I silently entered the room with my eyes downcast at the floor. "Ryleigh, thank god,"Dallon breathed. I didn't look up and didn't make a move away from the door. "You okay?"he asked. I started to cry again.

"Come here,"he said. I reluctantly went to him. He carefully slid over and pulled me to lie next to him on the bed. He wrapped an arm around me. "I thought I was never going to see you again,"I sobbed. "Shh. Ry, that will never happen,"he said. I cried harder because he didn't know that. The guy who shot him told me they're coming soon.

I'll die for them this time. I'll save them the trouble and I can protect them. I don't know how soon but if I can save them then I have to. Dallon held me close while I cried until I finally passed out in his arms. He just let me rest.

I knew I shouldn't have taken Ryleigh there. I just wanted to help. I knew something was bothering her the moment she left that room but she claimed she was fine and that nothing was said. I drove her back to the hospital in silence. She watched the world pass by through the window.

As soon as we entered the hospital, Brendon came running and hugged her tightly. "Oh, thank God you're okay," he said as he hugged her. I kept staring at her to try to get her to tell him. She simply shook her head no. We all went back upstairs. Breezy came down a corridor, crying. She stopped and froze. "Breezy, is everything okay?"Brendon asked as he hugged her. "Yeah, Dallon's awake,"she said.

I froze up just like Ryleigh as I processed that. He made it. It's gonna be a long walk back to recovery but he's alive. Ryleigh fell the floor on her knees as she started to cry. A huge sob escaped her lips. Breezy was the first to react and knelt down to her level. She was crying too. She pulled her in and Ryleigh cried on her shoulder. "Shh! Ryleigh, it's okay. He's okay,"she soothed.

Brendon decided that, as much as he wanted to comfort his daughter, he would give them a moment and go tell the others. I stood awkwardly behind them. Breezy just rubbed Ryleigh's back. "He wants to see you and know you're okay. Whenever you're ready,"Breezy whispered. Ryleigh nodded and let Breezy pull her up. Ryleigh was shaking hard so I pulled her into my side and ran my hand up and down her arm. Breezy led the way and Ryleigh wrapped her arms around my waist, tucking her face into my shirt.

We stood outside the door a minute before she went in. I followed Breezy back to the waiting room where everyone was gathered. I sat silently, staring at my shoes. Gee nudged me. When did he get here? I thought he went home for awhile or to get food. Everyone was talking quietly. Ryleigh hasn't come out and I don't know if that's good or bad.

"Frankie, you okay?"he asked. "Hm, yeah I'm fine,"I said. He pursed his lips and gave me a look that said he didn't believe me but we would talk about it later. I went back to staring at my shoes. The clock on the wall kept ticking. I stood since I was unable to take it anymore. "Hey, Brendon, can I talk to you a minute?"I asked after I tapped his shoulder. "Yeah, sure. Whatcha need?"he asked. Gerard was right behind me. "In private,"I begged. He nodded and we walked down the corridor a ways. "What's wrong?"he asked worriedly.

His eyes were red rimmed and dark circles outlined them. They were prominent. That's why I knew I couldn't tell him right now that I took Ryleigh to the prison. It would just stress him more about her mental health. "Uh, nothing. I just wanted to know if you knew how Ryleigh was holding up?"I asked as if I hadn't been with her all afternoon.

"I'm not sure yet. She ran out earlier. I'll talk to her later,"he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm worried about her,"I said. "Me too,"he said. We walked back to be with everyone else.

I woke up a little while later. I was still wrapped in Dallon's arms. He was watching TV quietly. The others haven't come in yet. He felt me stir and looked down. "How are you?"he asked concerned. "I'm okay. The better question is how are you? You almost died,"I said. "So did you. I'm fine,"he said and coughed. I froze and looked at him wide eyed.

"Ryleigh, it's okay. It was just a cough,"he said. I started to watch TV with him. Of course, he was watching Doctor Who. I started to hum this off key version of something I made up in my head. Dallon muted the TV without me noticing and started to hum with me. He turned it on key and I joined him in harmony.

"Ry, can you get me a pad with paper and a pen? I have an idea,"he said. I scampered off the bed and over to a backpack that Breezy must've brought. I found the pen and paper. I brought it back and slid the table closer.

Dallon began writing furiously while I hummed. He occasionally joined me. Finally, he stopped and looked at me. "Can you read over this? I need a chorus. Maybe it can be on the next album,"he said with excitement. "Yeah, sure,"I said. I read over what he wrote. "Holy crap, Dall, this is truly amazing,"I said.

He had written:

"I've never so adored you
I'm twisting allegories now
I want to complicate you

I'm chasing roller coasters
I've got to have you closer now
Endless romantic stories
You never could control me

Fixation or psychosis?
Devoted to neurosis now
Endless romantic stories
You never could control me"

"What if we added something in about this incident? I mean, Dad will want to look over it but it's amazing so far,"I said. "That's a great idea,"he said tiredly. "How about you get some rest?"I said as I noticed the prominent dark circles under his eyes. He nodded and closed his eyes.

"Do you want me to get Breezy? I'll come back in a little while,"I said. "Mhmm,"he hummed. I carefully stood then moved the table. I took the notebook and pen with me and quietly opened the door. I walked down the practically empty corridor now because it was nighttime. I realized I had been in there awhile.

The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now