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*****Trigger warning*****

Sarah and I went to bed at her suggestion because she claimed things would be better in the morning. I couldn't sleep though. I was really worried about Ryleigh. She seemed upset, she certainly wasn't herself. I planned to get up as soon as I knew Sarah was asleep. This was something I needed to do between Ryleigh and me.

It happened again, only this time I was with my friends. I don't know why people couldn't leave me alone. In the back of my mind, there was a voice that kept telling me that whoever they were they were coming soon. I hated not fighting. I just gave in but what else could I have done? I had to protect my friends so I slumped into the attacker. He slid a rag over my face and I breathed in the foul chemicals. I passed out instantly. I kept hearing voices while I was out.

I came to, a while later, in an unfamiliar room. I came up, punching at the air in the hopes of hitting my attacker. I looked around. I saw my friends, mom, and dad. My attacker was no where to be found. What did I do? I started to cry. Mom enveloped me in a hug as I cried out for dad. He joined our little group hug. When I was done, my friends all hugged me then we left. I stayed silent because I wasn't sure what to say. Adam said something to dad before we left.

When we got home, I tried to go to my room before I cried again but dad stopped me. I felt bad being so icy toward him but I needed to be alone. That's all I deserved. I didn't deserve this life I was living. They should've adopted someone more deserving and left me for dead. I ran up the stairs to avoid being stopped. I entered my room and slammed the door. I sighed as the tears welled. Why was I such a horrible daughter and person in general?

I leaned against the door then decided I knew what would help. I grabbed my pajamas and entered the bathroom. I locked the door and cut the shower on in case they came looking. Buried at the back of my sink was a few blades that I had kept hidden in case I ever needed them. Ever so carefully, I pulled one free. I looked at my tear stained face in the mirror and took a deep breath.

I brought the blade to my skin. I winced at the sting from the first mark then made three more as the sting wore away. The pain was something that I felt I deserved. More so, it felt oddly good. After a while, I cleaned up the blood on my arm and the floor. I bandaged the cuts and threw on some cotton pajama pants and a loose t-shirt. On top, I wore my Panic! At The Disco sweatshirt that Dallon gave me.

I turned the water off and went into my room. I laid on my bed in the dark. The moon was shining in and making strange patterns on the floor. There I started to cry alone. I hugged a pillow to my chest to keep quiet as I laid there crying. It was nearing 2 in the morning. I stared at the ceiling as the tears kept pouring. Dad came up the stairs. I was going to try to pretend to be asleep. I couldn't breathe.

"Ry, you awake?"he asked quietly as he knocked on the door. I tried to remain still and quiet as he entered. Sadly for me, I sniffled. "I know you're awake. I'm sorry, Ry. For everything,"he said as he sat on the end of my bed. I opened my eyes then. What was the point of faking?

Dad wasn't really looking at me now. He was staring at the floor. "Why didn't you fight it?"he finally asked. I stayed silent for a minute. He looked up at me then and I saw the despair and brokenness as the tears welled in his eyes. He shouldn't blame this on himself. I had to look away then.

"I wanted to protect my friends and you. You, mom, and our friends and family are everything to me. I'm tired of causing pain on everyone I love,"I spoke at a whisper originally but my voice rose and broke at the end. I was starting to choke up with tears again. It was all my fault. If I hadn't stayed alive then they wouldn't have adopted me and they wouldn't be dealing with this today.

I started to cry as dad pulled me into a tight hug against him. I cried and then wrapped my arms around his back as I cried. He cried with me but whispered soothing words to get me to calm down. I pulled back once I was calm. I knew I probably looked a horrifying mess.

"Do you think you're gonna be able to sleep?"dad asked me. I thought for a moment and shook my head no. "C'mon,"dad said and pulled me up. I tried to hide my wince. It hurt the fresh cuts. I wanted to cry then because they believed in me. They thought I was better but old habits die hard. He turned around and put a finger to his lips to tell me to stay quiet and follow him. I followed dad wordlessly down the stairs.

 I decided at the last second to go back up and grab all of my blankets and pillows. Dad made some hot chocolate. He turned the TV on quietly and we watched The Nightmare Before Christmas and Hocus Pocus. I'd always loved Hocus Pocus but I hadn't seen it in years. It brought back bittersweet memories of a time when I was happy just like I was with them even if bad shit kept happening to break me down.

A/N: Hey, y'all! I start school again tomorrow. On that note, I can't promise how many updates will be at a time or when they'll be out because I'm balancing school, two jobs and marching band while having to pay my bills and stuff. Please bear with me. I hope all is well and I'll have updates up as soon as possible. Much love!


The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now