Lost In Stereo

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Dallon helped me into the front seat of the car. He moved the seat back as far as it would go to make room for the large and bulky cast on my leg. He handed me my crutches, placed the wheelchair in the backseat and then we were off. We drove a few miles up the freeway in silence. "Do you want anything to eat?"he asked. I silently debated it in my head as I watched out the window. I shrugged. "That's not giving me much, Ry,"he said and sighed frustratedly.

I shrugged again and stayed silent. He pulled off the freeway and into a gas station parking lot. He put the car in park, glanced out the window with his jaw working hard, and then looked at me. "I get that things feel hard right now. I know that feeling but you have to keep fighting. Push through it,"he said quietly. It was so soft that if I hadn't been listening I wouldn't have heard it. The tears welled and I closed my eyes for a brief moment. It wouldn't have been as bad if he had just yelled at me but he hadn't. I wish he would yell at me. I wish they wouldn't treat me like I was fragile.

I took a deep breath and opened them. I turned to face him. "You know what, Dallon? You have no fucking clue what it's like to be trapped in a bed and know that your Dad has died several times but somehow miraculously stayed alive and you can't be with them. You don't know what it's like to be treated like you're fragile and breakable just because life dealt you the shitty hand so you don't have a damn idea what this feels like!"I yelled. He winced. "Just answer my damned question! Do you want food?"he yelled back at me.

I stared at him wide eyed and then began to cry against my will. "Hey, hey, Ry. I'm sorry, honey. I didn't mean to yell at you,"he said and freaked out over my crying. This was the first emotion I've really felt in days. I've just been numb. His yelling at me felt like I was freed from whatever hellhole prison I was trapped in. I managed to stop crying and smiled at him. I was actually starving. Hospital food was complete shit.

"If the offer still stands then I would love some food,"I said which caused him to look at me strangely for a moment. He nodded. "Where to?"he asked. "Chick-fil-a,"I said without a question. He started the car and we drove up the road a bit for food. We decided on the drive thru since getting in and out of the car was such a pain in the ass.

We parked in a space and ate our food wordlessly. Once he was done, he began driving again. I fell asleep for the remainder of the drive. "Hey, Ry, honey? You gotta get up. We're at my house. You'll be here like two days then off with someone else to change it up a bit,"Dallon said. I blearily looked at him and nodded. I let out a big yawn as he came around to help me.

I attempted to use my crutches and instructed him to leave the wheelchair inside. I wasn't going to use that wretched thing if I had a say in it. The most difficult part was when I reached the stairs. There were only four stairs leading up to his front door but I wasn't sure how to maneuver myself to get up them without falling or hitting my leg.

I decided to sit down on the lowest step and carefully pulled myself up. I made it up two stairs then couldn't help my cry of pain as my leg slammed into the stair underneath me. I tried but failed to fight the tears falling from my eyes.

"Ryleigh, what's wrong?"Dallon panicked. I heard him yelling in my ear. "When did he get so close?"I thought to myself. He was crouching in front of me. Pain was radiating up my leg. I bit my lip and looked up at the sky before the pain faded and I faced him. "I'm okay, I think. My leg slammed down on the step and it hurt like hell. I'm sorry,"I said and played with my hands.

"What are you apologizing for? It's okay. I heard you cry out and then you didn't seem to notice me at all like you couldn't answer. You should've asked for help,"he said and held a hand down to help me up. If only he knew how badly I hated having to ask for help and relying on other people.

I nodded and gingerly took his hand as he pulled back to help me stand. I couldn't put any pressure on my broken leg. I was leaning heavily on Dallon. He lifted me gently by my side, pulling my other side close to his chest. He carried me up the last two stairs then sat me down. I was leaning against the railing while he went to grab my crutches. I was shocked because I knew I couldn't have been light, especially with the cast.

He handed my crutches to me and I placed them under my arms. He had the duffle bag on his shoulder that I'm guessing Jenna, Meagan, and Mom had packed for me. He opened the door. "Careful,"he warned. I nodded and bit my lip as I maneuvered inside. He had a hand behind me the whole time in case I went to fall backwards.

A dog came running down the stairs towards me, followed by Amelie, Breezy, and Knox. "Ryleigh!"Amelie shouted and ran towards my legs in an attempt to hug me. I was worried I was going to fall. "Guys, give her some space to come in and sit down, please,"Dallon said and they held off a moment. Breezy grabbed their dog and led him outside to the backyard. I crutched over to the couch that Dallon guided me to. I flopped down. Amelie and Knox jumped at the chance to hug me. I held tightly onto them too. I wanted to cherish these moments because at the moment I wasn't sure how much longer I would be here. I was sick of being a problem. Sick and tired of feeling like and being the reason they all got hurt.

The Uries (The Urie's Daughter Adopted By Brendon Urie) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now