6. Wounded

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Mutt starts barking like a madman which distracts the monster from Damen and instead focuses it's attention on me where it growls deeply in the back of its throat and stumbles forward. I look around and catch sight of Damens gun four feet away where he dropped it. I lunge for it and grab the weapon before turning on the beast but I am so scared and shaken that I can't pull the trigger. The monster gets closer and Mutt barks louder and then, out of nowhere, it charges at me and before I have time to think I pull the trigger and a loud bang echoes through the woods as the lizard monster is thrown back slightly, a small bullet hole in its right shoulder but that doesn't seem to stop it as it quickly lunges at me with claws extended and just as it is about to make contact it is somehow propelled backward by an invisible force. I look all around me and there is nothing there and Damen is unconscious on the floor. The monster looks over at me with pure hatred in its eyes as it growls at me with a deep and rocky voice. I don't give it time to think as I quickly pull the trigger again and again, sending round after round at the monster who, after getting hit at least five times, runs off into the woods leaving a path of destruction n its wake. As soon as it is gone I drop the weapon and run to Damen.

"Damen! Are you okay!?" I yell at him but I don't think he hears me as he doesn't appear to be conscious. He has a noticeable bump on the back of his head where he hit the ground as well as a sizable gash on his left arm and a small cut on his forehead. I feel his chest and he is still breathing but try as I might I can't wake him and all the while his wound is still bleeding.

"What do I do?" I mutter to myself. For a second I thought about trying to drag him back to the village to get help but I'm not allowed back there and the village is so far I don't think I could've made it. Silently I weighed my options and then sighed.

"Seally is going to be so pissed at me." I mutter as I take him by the legs and drag him back to the portal. Getting him through was easier than I thought. The real problem came with trying to get him in the house without Seally seeing. Luckily, or maybe not so lucky, at this exact moment Melody came around the bend looking for me. She took one look at me and then one look at Damen and I could see her frown and sorta click her tongue.

"Melody, go get Christin!" I ordered her.


"Just do it!" I yelled. She blinked at my harsh tone but quickly complied as she went to get my brother. Seconds later Christian appeared and he looked panicked as he saw Damen in his sorry state.

"WHAT DID YOU DO!?" He screamed.

"I didn't do anything! Now keep your voice down and help me!"

Christian took his arms and I took his legs and together we carried Damen through the back kitchen door and laid him down on the clean tile. He shifted slightly as we put him down and mumbled something under his breath but he didn't wake up.

"He's really hurt." Christian observed as he grabbed a kitchen towel and pressed it against the bleeding gash. "We will have to sew it shut."

"Gross!" I muttered.

"I'll do it. You just hold him steady." Christian obstructed me as he ran upstairs to get a needle. Meanwhile Melody kneeled down next to where I was sitting on the ground and lightly poked Damens shoulder.

"Who is he?" She asked, a somewhat dark tone in her voice that I didn't recognize.

"He's a friend." I stated. "And he's hurt really badly so can you do me a favor and get me some ice for his head?"

Melody nodded as she left for the freezer just as Christian walked in with a sewing kit.

"I think this should work." He said as he took out a thin needle and bent it slightly into a curve before threading at with some black twine. "Hold his arm steady."

I did as told and held up his arm while Christian pierced his skin and with the needle pulled the wound closed. I gagged and looked away as Christian clumsily sewed it shut. When he was done his hands were stained with blood and so were mine as well as a portion of the floor.

"Seally is going to be so mad." Christian stated with evident fear in his voice as he grabbed a clean towel and tried to mop up the blood.

"That would be correct." A voice stated and we both turned with horror to see Seally standing in the doorway. He looked us over slowly, stopping momentarily to stare at Damen and then to look down at our blood-stained hands. "I can't believe you brought a human here." He muttered as he folded his arms in front of his chest.

"S-sorry." I muttered shyly. "I didn't have much of a choice."

"He's really hurt." Christian added on and Seally sighed.

"Bring him to my office." Seally stated and Christian and I  jumped to our feet as we ran to carry the unconscious boy into Seally's office where we then laid him down on the couch.

"Try giving him this." Said Seally as he handed me a bottle of metallic purple liquid. I didn't question it as I popped off the cap and tried to pour it into Damen's mouth. Damen immediately choked as he sat up violently coughing up the putrid liquid.

"W-where am I!? What happened!?" Damen yelled as he looked around the room before his eyes fell on me. "Y/n, are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine." I stated. "You're the one that got all beat up."

Damen looks down at his arm and gags as he sees the sloppy stitchwork and blood stained skin.

"I think I'm going to be sick."

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