15. Bargaining and Rewards

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Authors note: Go check out @Yukina_Kushinada who did some amazing Seally Fanart.

It was the next morning and Patty was on our front door with a very impatient expression

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It was the next morning and Patty was on our front door with a very impatient expression. I let her and Arthur in and led her to the study where Melody and Seally were waiting. I expected her to be shocked by Seallys adult appearance but she didn't even bat an eye.

"What is this about?" She asked, somewhat annoyed. "Why did you call me here?"

"We have a gift for you." Seally said with a cheeky smile and Patty raised an eyebrow.

"Since when do you give me presents?"

Seally said nothing and walked out of the room only to return second later dragging Ray along with him. Ray growled and pulled back on the hand dragging him but Seally appeared to be much stronger and was able to pull him effortlessly across the room.

"This is for you." Seally said as he threw the unsuspecting werewolf at Patty. "A new slave."

"You've got to be joking!" Ray growled as his ears flattened against his head and he snarled at Seally showing off his sharp fangs. Patty said nothing as she looked Ray over from head to toe. She then grabbed his ears and pulled on then lightly, judging his expression before smiling and turning back to us.

"Why?" She asked simply, although by the looks of it she had already accepted the proposal as she laid a dominating hand on Ray's shoulder to keep him from running off.

"It's nothing you did." Seally said. "It's him. He's been a bad little monster and deserves a little punishment."

The whole time I said nothing as I avoided eye contact with Ray even though I was certain he was looking over at me. As far as I could tell, Patty was the best option for punishment since she would torture him both physically and psychologically but without there being any danger of permanent harm. She was a sadist but she wasn't evil, at least not to other monsters. At the time we were only giving her Ray since Seally apparently had other plans for Merlin.

"I feel like I owe you something now." Patty muttered as she ran a hand through her purple hair, untangling the knots. She groaned loudly to herself in annoyance and then beckoned with one hand for Arthur to come over. "Go get that 'thing'." She said.

"What thing?" Arthur asked hoarsely.

"The new thing. The one we found yesterday."

Arthur nodded in understanding and left.

"You don't need to give us anything." Seally stated but Patty shook her head.

"I don't want to be in your debt." She said.

"Well whatever it is we may not want it."

"Why not?"

"I don't want you letting wild things loose in my house again." Seally growled and Patty chuckled heartedly but did not deny that that might be the case.

"I wouldn't say he's wild but he is kinda....off."

"He?" Seally asked just as Arthur returned with someone with him and I swear I almost passed out right there from shook because there standing with him was freaking Damen.

"Y/N!" Damen yelled as he ran at me full speed, tackling me and sending me toppling onto the floor with him on top of me.

"Damen!? Where on earth have you been!?" I yelled as we both sat up. At this moment I did not fail to detect the malevolent glares Ray was sending our way but I ignored it as I focused on Damen.

"I have no clue! The witch caught me and I thought for sure I was going to die!" He yelled, the panic still evident on his face as his shaky hand clung to my arm.

"Don't be dramatic." Patty said. "It wasn't like I was going to eat you."

"You considered it." Arthur butted in at which point Patty shushed him and pushed him aside while at the same time still keeping her grip on Ray who was glaring us down.

"Patty, you take wolf boy home with you, and don't let him out of your sight." Seally said before turning back to me. "Y/n, go get your friend a change of clothes. He is absolutely filthy."

He was right as Damen's clothes were covered in ash and dirt and his hair had a fine layer of soot in it.

"Come with me." I told him as I led him by the hand down the hall, my heart still beating a mile a minute from the shock.

"I can't believe you are okay." I said as we turned a corner and headed up the stairs. "Did you see what happened to the village?"

"Yes." Damen said in a shaky voice. "I tried to help. I tried to fight them but then the monsters chased me into the woods and I got lost."

"How did you find Patty?"

"I fell into a pit trap and she pulled me out. Turns out it was her trap."

I stopped at the first floor bathroom and pushed him in.

"Go bathe and I'll bring you some clean clothes." I told him before turning to leave.

"Wait!" Damen yelled as he grabbed me by the wrist. "Please dont leave me here by myself!"

"You'll be fine."

"I don't believe that."

"I have to go get you clean clothes."

"I can go with you!"

I sighed. He was acting like a child.

"Fine. Come with me." I said as I pulled his hand off me and continued to Christian's room. When we got there Melody was standing in front of the door. "What are you doing?" I asked her.

"Nothing." She muttered as she moved aside but did not leave. I walked past her and knocked on the door heavily. There was no answer.

"Christian?" I called out as I opened the door. There was no one inside. "Where's my brother?" I asked Melody and she simply shrugged.

"I dont know." She mumbled as she walked away down the hall. I went inside and got Damen some clothes to change into before going to look for Christian in the garden. He wasn't in the garden, or the kitchen, or the study, or the bedroom, and, even though I waited up all night for him, he didnt show up.

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