29. Breathing Blood

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Following Ray, a homicidal murdering werewolf, into the deep of the woods was not something I imagined myself doing anytime soon but we needed to know where those shrines are. I walked five steps behind him while Christian and Damen followed on either side, neither one wanting to get much closer to the beast.

"Can we trust him?" Christian leaned over and whispered in my ear as we walked by a surprisingly thick patch of bushes and brambles. I shrugged.

"Do we have a choice?" I asked. Meanwhile Damen walked surprisingly stiff with his rifle by his side as he seemed to just march alongside us. I attributed his vacant and distant gaze to lack of sleep. We were all tired.

"Here's one." Rays voice broke through our small huddle as we came to stop in front of a large oak tree nestled in the roots of which was a small shrine, an unused offering still sitting on the alter. I looked at the offering puzzled as I tried to figure out where it came from. Were there other nearby villages I didn't know about?

"Leave your offering and I'll show you to the next one." Ray said and I stiffened. We didn't have an offering. We came to burn down the shrine but Ray couldn't know that. IF he knew what we were doing he wouldn't help us find the others, or worse, he'd become angry and try to stop us.

"Lets go find the others first." I said nervously and Ray raised an eyebrow.

"What's the point?" He asked. "Then you would have to backtrack. Just leave your offering now and then I will show you where the others are."

"Cant you just tell us now where the others are?" Christian asked.

"Why?" Ray asked as I could see we had aroused his suspicions as he crossed his arms over his chest and tapped his foot on the coarse earth. "Just do what you came to do." He snarled and I swallowed deeply as I approached the shrine with my little match box in hand. I quickly pulled out a match and struck it on the box where it caught flame. I then placed it on the alter and immediately the entre shrine ruptured into a cloud of smoke and ash as fire kissed the soft ground and licked the nearby wood of the tree roots. It was there a second and in the next second it was gone and we were standing in front of a small pile of ash as the smoke quickly dissipated into the air.

"So thats what you are doing." Ray growled. "You tricked me."

I immediately stood straight as I raked my brain for an explanation but before I could even speak Damen raised his rifle and fired two rounds into Rays side. Ray stumbled back and looked down at his bleeding wounds but he was not in the least bit surprised. Not anywhere near as surprised as Christian and Me as I turned to Damen.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" I screamed. For a second Damen just stared at me as if he wasn't sure why I was so upset and then he spoke calmly.

"He's a monster, Y/n. Why are you so upset? He wont tell us where the shrines are now so he is pretty much useless and is better off dead."

"You cant just kill him!" Christian yelled.

"Why not? He's a monster. An ugly, evil, barbaric monster and like all monsters he deserves to die."

He raised his gun again but Ray swiped at him with his one good arm sending a splatter of blood across the bushes as he slashed through Damen's cheek. The boy winced at the pain but didnt stop there.

"DIE BEAST!" He screamed as he let off three more bullets. One grazed Rays ear, the second hit his right shoulder, and the third hit him square in the chest where it no doubt punctured his lung.

"Monsters are evil evil things!" Damen cursed as Ray wheezed and coughed as his lungs filled with blood. "They should all die!" Ray glared at Damen and then, gathering his last bit of energy, he lunged at the boy and with his sharp claws he sliced clear though his neck and then struck him in the side of the face where he quickly collapsed, clutching his throat. Ray then immediately dropped by his side as blood streamed down his open mouth. In the midst of the madness Christian grabbed my arm and pulled me back as we stared down in shock at the bloody massacre. Damen was the first to stop breathing as I could see the rise and fall of his chest gradually slow and then screech to a still stop. Ray hung on a few more seconds as he looked up at me with blood still erupting from his mouth. HIs eyes for the first time in forever were not the eyes of a crazed killer I had become use to seeing but were instead the gentle eyes of that young wolf boy I met so many years ago who showed me the way back when I got lost, who introduced me to his friends with a smile, who loved me even though I was human. The eyes of something warm and pure. And then those eyes dulled and for the second time that day I was standing in front of two more dead bodies. Christian said absolutely nothing as he walked over and lifted the rifle from Damens cold hands.

"We should probably go." He said quietly.

"We're going to leave them here?" I asked, a small whimper in my voice.

"We'll come back for them...someday." Christian said. "For now we should go."

I slowly nodded as I felt my brother take my hand and lead me away and all the while my eyes stayed fixed on the blood that had soiled my shoes and my mind kept replaying that look in Rays eyes. I hope one day I can forget this place.

Fantasy Forest 2 (Yandere boys x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن