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I simply couldn't believe it. Me and Max had just arrived at the hospital and were now waiting until a doctor or nurse would show up and inform us about Melody's condition.

I nervously rocked the chair back and forth, whereas Max was tanning his fingertips on his legs.

The silence was more than just uncomfortable but neither of us was able to speak, it felt like I was in a dream, where I had absolutely no control over my body.

I thought back to the moment when the ambulance arrived, making those typical noises where everybody is always afraid of. Most of the times, I'm the one who's wondering about who's in there, who is suffering from pain. This time, I knew, my best friend was in there, literally fighting for her life.

I quickly took a glance at Max, who wasn't even giving a single emotion away. He wasn't crying, he wasn't frustrated and he surely wasn't angry. It seemed like he had lost all emotions and only emptiness was readable in his eyes.

And although I wasn't a huge Max fan, I felt sympathy for him and I was also a bit worried as he hadn't said anything since the trip here.

I swallowed and cleared my throat, ready to break the painful silence.

"Max, are you alright?" I gently asked, nervously sucking in my bottom lip.

"I'm fine" He answered with a shaking voice, not taking the effort to fake a grin or to look up.

Actually, that was what annoyed me most. When someone showed real interest or sympathy, Max just blocked and created a wall around himself.

I placed my head in my hands, just wanting to scream and cry until my best friend would wake up and tell me she's fine.

I leant against the wall and shook my head in disbelief. How did this happen?

I felt my eyes getting heavier, whilst still sitting in the dull and empty corridor of the hospital with the dimmed lights and cold air embracing me.

God I just hoped Melody would be fine.

"I think I'm going for a coffee, I'm exhausted, you want some too?" I quizzed as I realized there was no way I could stay here as I was about to lose my mind in this stupid hallway.

"Yes please," Max's brief answer was.

I stood up and replaced the empty hallway with some lonely chairs for a canteen where you could barely notice it was actually 4am.

I ordered two cappuccinos and when I was about to head back to Max, someone firmly grabbed my shoulder. I turned around, inhaling sharply, and spilled a bit coffee over my sweater, which I didn't care about as I faced the one person I wanted to see most in a situation like this.

"Daniel, thank god you came!" I called out, almost throwing myself into his arms, still holding the coffees.

"Rosie.. oh god how are you feeling?"

I felt my heart skip a beat by hearing him asking about me. I understood that most of the attention went to Melody right now, but being asked how I felt about something like this felt kinda good.

"Well I've been better but.. I'm good, I guess- I mean I'm really shocked, tired and afraid but compared to Max, I'm fine."

Daniel swallowed and arched an eyebrow, "What do you mean, how is Max?"

"He's literally nothing.. he could be the 'almost' dead one too.." I said sternly, shrugging my shoulders.

Behind The Scenes. {MAX VERSTAPPEN}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt