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- "Finally" I exclaimed, wiping the sweat of my forehead.

I eventually managed -after a few hours of hard work- to gather all my stuff together and pack my suitcase for the flight back to London.

"I'm going to miss you," a voice behind me gently stated, placing his hands on my hips.

"I'm going to miss you too," I muttered, "But we knew this time would eventually come and you're quite often in London anyways" I shrugged my shoulders.

Max chuckled and pecked a kiss on my lips, "When do you have to leave?" He wanted to know.

"I have to leave in an hour," I said after taking a look at my watch.

"Oh that's really soon.. let's get you something to eat before you have to go then," Max pouted, entwining his fingers with mine.

I nodded and followed him to the living room in silence. "Sit down, I'll make you something," he commanded, a slight smirk plastered on his lips.

"Hey Mel" Rose enthusiastically said as she came into the room, sitting down next to me on the sofa. I smiled at my best friend friendly and shifted to the left to give her a bit more space on the sofa.

"Hey Rose, ready to go back to the cold and rainy London?" I teased her.

She frowned her eyebrows and bumped my shoulder softly, "Not really, oh and thanks for reminding me" She pulled a sad face which made me laugh instantly.

I shrugged my shoulders, "You don't really have a choice, you know?" I questioned jokingly, knowing Rose can be really bad tempered if she has to do something she actually don't want to do.

My best friend sighed, but her eyes widened when she saw Max standing next to us with two plates in his hands.

"Here you go" he placed the plates down in front of me and Rose and watched our reaction.

"I- thank you very much!" Rose stammered, ready to poke her fork into the delicious salad Max had made.

"You're welcome" Max answered, giving us a wink before he sat down next to me, softly putting some strands of hair back behind my ear. I kissed his lips back as response, and Rose looked up with an annoyed look on her face.

"If you want to be, you know, 'close', you better go to the bedroom or something" she said, but the words came out a bit muffled because she was eating her salad.

"Well I'm sorry that I want to spend the last minutes together with my girlfriend for as long as possible" Max exclaimed.

I sighed and leaned back, briefly closing my eyes. It really felt like I was already missing Max, even though he was still sitting next to me. But I knew I had no other option then going back to London as the recordings for the new movie would almost begin.

"Are you okay?" Max then gently asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and licked my dry lips, "Yeah I'm fine, just going to miss you so much" I pouted. "Well, just like you said earlier, I'm in London very often" he retorted.

I nodded, "Yes I know"

"Oh and Dan also" Max winked at Rose, who was peacefully eating. However, she looked up as she heard that Max was talking to her, and she sarcastically smirked. "Great," she airily answered.

"No but really," Max said, still smiling mischievous, "This way we can meet up more often."

"Sure" I retorted.

- - -

Except for the radio, which was playing soft on the background, it was completely silent in the car. I thought it had everything to do with the fact that this time, Rose and I were actually being driven to the airport.

Behind The Scenes. {MAX VERSTAPPEN}Where stories live. Discover now