Chapter Six

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I haven't noticed how frustrated and angry Ethan was until now and I felt horrible for putting him in such state. "I'm really sorry for getting you worried, Ethan. Honestly, it has nothing to do with you." I said sincerely.

His fingers closed on mine in a tight but gentle grip and his voice was dead serious, "Did someone do something to bother you?"

"No... God, no... It's just..." I started to get nervous. Deeply embarrassed for getting him worried over something so ridiculous. A stupid problem of mine that I had since I was young and never told anyone about. No one but my family knew about... well... my issue.

There was an urgency in his voice, "Please be honest like you've always been with me, Skye." Ethan leaned forward a little bit to catch every word I was about to say.

How could I say this without completely humiliating myself?

I couldn't even think of an opening line. I've opened my mouth and closed it without any words coming out. It was ridiculous.

"You didn't even sign that stupid flu paper," he added.

Bless his heart, he just gave me an opening. "About that slip..."

I've always played tough. Like I had everything under control. I didn't like getting others worried about me, but the concern that had Ethan all worked out and frustrated was... was... sigh!

It won't be the first time I embarrass myself and it certainly won't be my last. I took a deep breath and spilled it all out in one quick breath, "Actually I had the paper signed since day one. The thing is I'm afraid of needles. Terrified! Whenever I see an injection or someone taking one I feel sick, my heart beats fast, I get dizzy and then I faint. I fainted twice actually. Just the thought of it puncturing someone's skin or the sight of blood makes me want to pass out. So, there you have it, my secret is out. You can laugh now. I'm a big baby."

Fainting at school because of a tiny needle? Yeah, that would be fun!

I waited for him to burst out laughing and make fun of me. This would be a great opportunity to call me names, like chicken, wuss, baby, scaredy cat, but he didn't. He just sat there silently. Maybe I spoke too fast that he didn't catch a word that I've said, I tried to convince myself in high hopes.

Ethan silently stood up, still grasping my hand in his. "Let's go, and bring that slip with you," he said softly.

"Whyyyy?" I stretched out the word asking slowly.

"You are going to take that vaccination and I'm coming with you," he simply stated.

"You're not going to make fun of me? I was preparing myself for that," it was a half joke half-truth.

Why do I put thoughts in his mind?

He shook his head and his mouth pressed in a serious line, "Maybe later."

I don't know why, but having Ethan coming with me made it seem better. This time he was the one who held my hand while we walked to the nurse's office. As we got closer, my anxiety spiked. The more anxious I've got and the more assuring Ethan's grip was.

We fell in line behind a few students who came before us. I was doing some sort of a weird shuffle dance from one leg to another ready to bolt. I nearly jumped out of my skin when someone screamed from inside the office.

"Hey, how is Matt doing in his new school?" Ethan asked out of the blue surprising me and catching me off guard.

"Who?" My brain went blank all of a sudden.

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