Chapter Eighteen

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The surgery itself wasn't what worried me, it was the outcome that had me tied in knots. Not for me, but for her. For Skye. Hope could be a cruel thing, especially when faced with one disappointment after another. That was my whirlpool, I was used to carry the weight of my failed surgeries alone. But now, someone important to me was being hopeful for me.

I've been preparing myself for days of sheer boredom and excessive over thinking during my pre-surgery days. It never happened. Skye gave that no chance to happen. She didn't give me any space to dwell over anything except her and our time together. She was there every single day and she had me doing things I've never thought I would ever do.

Every day she would 'kidnap' me -as she liked to call it- from my house and we would hit the road. Never once did she tell me where we were going. It was always a 'surprise'.

Some of those surprises were relaxing and calming like when we spent the day at the beach, just floating on the cold water, burying me in the sand, walking hand in hand and having a good time.

Or when we went to a concert to one of my favorite bands and we danced the whole evening. I got a singed shirt.

Or that time she signed us up for a pottery class. Skye created a vase which was described by our tutor as 'beautiful' and 'good work'. Meanwhile, I proved once again that I did not own a nickel's worth of artistry in me. I was trying to make a mug for Skye, but somehow ended up making a bowl with a handle instead. The sweet ring of Skye's laugh when she saw it had me grinning. She kept it anyway. I have to admit there was something soothing about shaping clay.

On the other hand, I was astounded by the other half of things we did.

We went rock wall climbing, which for a blind person wasn't that easy. Skye instructed the placing of my hands and feet all the way to the top. The afterwards muscle ache was a pleasant change. It was the stress release that I craved for.

Another day, we went parasailing, despite the cold weather. We glided in air wearing an open parachute while a motorboat sliced the waves on high speed dipping our toes in water every once and a while. The water was fine once gotten used to, at least it was for me. Skye on the other hand was shivering in my arms for a long time before she was warm again.

And the madness carries on.

The craziest thing she had us doing was bungee jumping.

Where the hell did she find that?

I honestly have no clue. And to think that I would object. Disagree. Refuse. Draw the line.

Nope! Never happened!

However, my optimistic, angelic girlfriend did apologize -ever so sweetly- if we plummeted to our deaths. She had a tight grip around me when they tied us together, secured our helmets and checked our harnesses. Skye's screams were only muffled by my shoulder were she hid when we stepped over the edge. Soon both of us were laughing as we dangled upside down by cords. What a rush!

Skye kept me busy. Every day that she had 'kidnapped' me- my mind would be in jitters over what she had planned for us. Would it be an easy going day or was it an adrenaline pumped up day.

The day before the surgery we had an early dinner at Skye's house. It ran lively with Sophie, Hank and Matt. I tried to force myself to join the conversation, but I had a lot of things going on my mind. My thoughts insisted on returning to what tomorrow held, and then they overflowed with the girl beside me.

I felt the softness of Skye's hand as she covered mine. She has always been able to sense my struggles. I turned my head to where she sat next to me at the dinner table and smiled. She squeezed my hand and it felt like a caress straight to my nerves. My thoughts quieted down except of one, a very specific thought that has been devouring me savagely for a long time.

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