16: Fucking Please

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Avery's view

"So, how come you never told me about your ex-girlfriend?" Ezra asks sitting on my bed.

"Probably because I don't like talking about her," I respond sitting next to her.

"Why not? Was it a messy break up?" she asks.

"Yeah, sort off. She just ended up changing in our relationship. She got really mean and one day I had enough," I tell her.

"How long were you two together?" she asks looking away.

"A little bit more than a year. At first it was really good, but like I said, she changed and it got worse. I can't believe I stayed with her for that long?" I explain.

"If she was so horrible, then why did you stay with her?" she asks.

I sigh and lay down in bed, "I don't know. Maybe because I thought she really did love me and I thought I loved her too, but I was so wrong. The way she talked to me, it made me feel like I would never be enough, like no one would ever love me."

"That's not true," Ezra says making me glance at her.

"You're amazing and if she couldn't see that then it's her loss. You're better off without a bitch like that," she adds.

"Thanks for always defending me," I blurt out.

"Hey, that promise you made me, about never leaving and always being there for me, that's a two way promise. I'm not going to leave you either, you're stuck with me. I'm going to keep defending and annoying you," Ezra says making me laugh.

"As long as I get to see the peacock stuffed animal I'm okay with that," I tease.

Ezra suddenly frowns and looks down, worrying me. "What's wrong," I ask scooting closer to her.

"I don't have the peacock anymore," she replies.

"Why? What happened? Did you lose it?" I ask her.

"No. My mom threw it away a long time ago," she replies as a tear rolls down her cheek. I'm shocked as this is the first time I have ever seen her cry.

I immediately hug her tightly and ask, "Why would she do that?"

"When my dad left us, she was so heartbroken and angry. So, she threw away everything that reminded her of him, including the peacock. I begged her not to, but she wouldn't listen," Ezra explains.

I pull back from the hug to wipe away some of the tears, "Oh, Ezra, I'm so sorry. She shouldn't have done that."

"It's okay. I'm over now, I shouldn't be crying over a stupid stuffed peacock toy," Ezra says.

"I probably look so pathetic crying right now," she adds.

"No you don't," I reply wiping another tear. "You don't have to always be strong Ezra, its okay to show emotion. It's okay to cry."

"I would never judge you or think you're pathetic or stupid. You're human, Ezra. Sometimes you need someone too. Sometimes you need a shoulder to cry on and that doesn't make you weak,' I explain.

Ezra smiles at me, "Fucking hell, where have you been all my life, love?"

"Right here. And don't curse," I say teasing her.

"You know, if you say a bad word right now, it might cheer me up?" Ezra says.

"Not a chance," I smirk, "Here I am trying to comfort you and you ask me to curse. Wow, Ezra."

"Thank you, Avery. But like if you wanted to curse, I wouldn't be opposed to it," Ezra jokes again.

"Oh my god, you're impossible," I say lightly pushing her away from me.

Ezra laughs, "Okay, true, but you know you love it."

"Whatever," I say crossing my arms and pretending to be annoyed.

"Come on, love, I'm only teasing,' Ezra says scooting closer to me.

I stay silent wanting to tease her more, but then all of a sudden Ezra jumps on me making me fall off my bed and crash onto the ground.

"Is everything okay up there?" yells my dad from downstairs.

"All good, Avery just fell," Ezra yells back laughing on top of me.

"Not again Avery, be more careful," My mom yells.

"Oh my god, is this a normal occurrence?" Ezra asks laughing even harder now.

"Shut up," I say laughing, "Got off of me."

"Nope, not unless you curse," Ezra says.

"Oh you have got to be kidding," I say trying to push her off of me, but she doesn't budge.

"All you have to do is say one bad word," Ezra says.

"Not happening," I say trying to get out from under her.

Ezra pins my hands above my head and we are a few inches away from each other's lips.

"Just say the magic word," Ezra slowly says out as her breathing become faster.

"Not happening," I repeat.

"You're so stubborn. Just say fucking please and I'll let go," she says leaning closer to me to the point where our nose are grazing.

I gulp and finally say, "Fucking please."

"See, that wasn't so hard right," she says letting go of my hands and getting off of me. I'm a flustered mess as she calmly gets up and grabs my hand to pull me up.

"So, how did it feel so curse," she asks.

"Exhilarating," I answer back.

Ezra smiles then looks at my clock and notices how late it's getting. "I should leave now, if I want to actually wake up early tomorrow to get to work."

"Okay, I'll walk you out," I say as she follows me downs stairs. My parents say goodbye to her and we exit my home. I walk her to her car and before getting in she turns to face me.

"Thank you for everything," she says.

"I think I should be thanking you for finally making me say a bad word out loud," I joke.

Ezra chuckles and is about to go in her car, but I stop her by grabbing onto her arm. I pull her in for a hug. She me hugs me back tightly and after a while we let go of each other.

"Goodnight, love," she says.

"Goodnight, don't let the bed bugs bite," I reply making her smile.

She starts her car and drives away as I stand there in my driveway. My heart is pounding and there is a whole zoo filled of butterflies in my stomach.

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