Why her.

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Bliss POV

I woke up with a bad headache.
I was laying on something hard.
I looked around and saw I was in this wired lab .
I was strapped down on a table.
I quickly remembered what happened yesterday. I started struggling against the straps as water quickly rushed to my eyes.
I want to go back. I want to see Sam a-and Bucky a-nd Loki. Everyone.
Why am I here. I didn't do anything.
I was thrashing with hot tears running down my face when I heard a loud heavy door open.
I looked up and saw a male. He looked scary.
He smiled. That all too familiar smile.

Sam's POV

We all sat in the living room sitting around being lazy.
It was quiet. Too quiet clearly for anyone's liking.
I got up deciding I should probably check on bliss.
"Hey I am going to check on bliss."
I said walking away.
I got to her door and softly knocked while opening the door.
When I was fully in the room I looked around.
She wasn't In here.? I looked and walked around and noticed a book lay sprawled out on the floor.
That's when I started to panic.
She can barely walk, so where is she.
I frantically open every and all doors in the room.
No. No. No. no.

"FRIDAY where is bliss?!"
I ask frantically.
"She is not in the building mr.wilson"
She answered almost immediately.
The second she finished I dashed into the main room where everyone was.
I said, well yelled.
As I frantically pace back and forth.
Everyone yelled
"Did you ask Friday"
Bruce asked walking up to me.
I nodded
"She said she wasn't in the building."
I say still frantically walking.
"FRIDAY pull up the security camera footage."
Tony said with anger
Friday immediately pulled up the footage on the tv.
It showed a man open her door but she didn't realize.
Soon he slapped his hand on her shoulder which caused her to let out a yell.
He knocked her out and carried her away.
The last thing we saw was the logo.
The logo we all hate with a burning passion.
The logo that ruined us.
How the hell did they know about her.
Why did they take her.
Out of all of us, why her.
Why my child who has already been through hell and now this.
I had my fist clenched tight.
Jaw clenched.
Glaring at the tv.
None of us said anything.
None of us were sad.
No........ angry was an understatement.
Once I calmed down enough to move I looked around the same time everyone else did.
Right when cap was about to say something a new tab popped up on the screen.
"I think you all should see this"
Friday said and played the video.
"Well hello avengers. You probably know that I have already taken something from you. Something some may call valuable.
Well she definitely is."
The man moved out the way to reveal what was behind him. It was bliss. She was crying and struggling against a table.
We all moved up a little with anger written on our faces.
"She just won't follow directions............ but don't worry. That is going to change. You see you people took our solider. Which hydra has spent years on developing. So I will take something important from you. And maybe if she learns to listen she could be our next winter solider. Do you have anything out want to say child?"
He said smiling the whole time then yanked her head up when he finished.
The last thing heard was a small goodbye from her. Then the screen went black.

Daughter of falcon.  (Sam Wilson x child! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now