2. Back again but am I ready?

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Naruto opened his eyes with a scream to see a long-forgotten roof. He looked around the room confirming his that it was the same old rundown single room apartment. "Kurama, are you there?" The answer, he received, was only silence. He went to the bathroom standing in front of the mirror. In front of him was the reflection of a 12 years old boy. He sees his hands, removed his pajama shirt. The marks and injuries from all of those ruthless, never-ending fights were absent. Chidori's mark was also gone. But thinking about it still gave him the chilling sensation, sliding of the hand through his lungs penetrating his flesh and muscles. As if it was still fresh.

Naruto rapidly blinked his eyes to clear his thoughts but the eyes in the mirror caught his attention again. The mischevious, clear blue eyes were replaced by calculative, haunted, dull blue. He didn't have the time to watch his face before but now his eyes look almost dead. But soon a small infectious smile spread on his face. The spiky bright yellow hair was back. He really did not like that trimmed haircut. This small thing brought joy to his broken heart. He saw his childish face into the mirror and felt less haunted. He completed his daily work and wore his favorite orange jumpsuit. His last prized one was destroyed nearly 2 years ago, leaving him with black full-sleeved shirts with Anbu pants and his own mid-thigh high dark blue coat with an orange flame in the end. He felt whole again wearing that 'stupid, kill me orange' jumpsuit. He should hate his attire but it was the attire of his war-less world, his innocence. His face was beaming seeing his old self. Then he went for his most treasured item, his forehead protector or Leaf Shinobi headband. He was glad to be able to wear it again.

Naruto went to the kitchen and pull out the milk carton and bread and prepared himself a breakfast. But before he chucked down the milk, he cross-checked the dates. So this is really the genin team selection day and that's why I had to go to the loo that many times. I have to throw the milk anyway. But later. So Kurama, we are here. Don't worry, I still remembered my ninja way.

Naruto left the apartment after locking the door. He had more than enough time, so he decided to go to his favorite place (other than Ichiraku ramen shop), Hokage Mountain. He placed himself on the top of his father's head, Yondaime Minato Namikaze. He stared in the horizon. 

Hey dad, it is a beautiful village truly. I have taken the chance. Kurama has gone AWOL. It will take me some time to befriend him, but don't worry, I will bring back my older brother." He chuckled to himself. If I tell anybody that the KYUUBI is my older brother, think what will they do to me. He laughed at the thought. But another thought struck him like a rumble of thunder. "Dad, everyone will be here. How can I face them? I had promised them, I would not let them down. But here I am, on a second chance to fix everything. What will happen if I fail again?" 


"Kurama?" He tried to reach but failed again. "No, put yourself together Naruto. I have to be strong. I have promised him." He calmed himself with every breath. "Let's do this. I have to face them all, so be strong." He plastered his signature smile on the face and moved towards the academy.

Naruto entered the academy and walked through the corridor to reach the classroom door. He opened it to find a nearly empty classroom but the occupants of the room make him nervous more. Then again, they make him feel at home. Shikamaru's sleeping posture, Choji's chips munching, Shino staying nearly invisible and Sasuke, teme brooding like emo and some other kids. He chuckled to himself. The sudden noise of chuckling didn't go unnoticed by three members of the to be team Konoha 12. Shikamaru, Shino, and Sasuke felt uncomfortable but did not show them. They all felt something different in Naruto.

Naruto decided to sit next to Sasuke. Now I have to wait for others. One by one came Hinata, Kiba with Akamaru. The class started to become full. Last came Ino and Sakura, with their rivalry over Sasuke. But the room lacked one more thing, Naruto's loudmouth. And Naruto, he was already in his daze, going through the corridors of the memory lane. Sakura and Ino were at first very busy in their banter but they also notice the silence around them. Most of the students noticed the stillness in the class but was unable to pinpoint the reason.

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