18. Misbehaviours...

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After feeling those gazes, sneers upon herself and watching the blonde to go through the same treatment with a smile, it felt like a hot knife had been driven in her heart. She still couldn't understand why the boy had been subjected to such treatment, whether he was Fourth's son or not. And how he was still smiling like a fool. His act of indifference made her admire him and chastise him at the same time.

She didn't feel a single ounce of remorse when her fists kept meeting with random people accidentally and belonging from one of the civilian families kept her away from problems. It wasn't like that her parents had a high background. No... the reason was simple, Sakura Haruno was the only civilian student who became a genin while the whole graduation team was made up of clan heirs. And living in the shinobi village, the civilian villagers were well aware of the implications. Whether the genins were friends or not, the villagers didn't want to be at the end of the short stick.

She didn't know how to approach the blonde. She wanted to apologize but was scared of the humiliation. She wanted to redeem herself for being abusive. She wanted to be a child from her dream, who had obtained her first friend in the form of Naruto.

When they had completed their required number of missions for the day, according to their Sensei, she wanted to stay back. She wanted to talk. But Sasuke-kun's presence made it impossible for her. She might have considered her mistakes related to Naruto. But she didn't want to make herself sallow in front of her Sasuke-kun.

So when Sasuke stayed back, she hesitated. She would have stayed back to listen but Sasuke's stoic and stiff posture made her understood that she was still unwelcomed. So she left. For her, it was a quick save from possible confrontation .

Sakura was conflicted about what to do. On one hand, she had to redeem herself and on the other, it would be a huge blow to her confidence if she asked for forgiveness. And she missed the chance to ask for forgiveness. She was not sure whether she would have the confidence again.

Sakura was so immersed in her thoughts, she almost missed that she was in front of her home.

She opened the door to find her parents in the living room, discussing something very important.

"I'm home. I'll be in my room." And she made a bee-line escape to her room. Granted, her parents wouldn't attack her, but the realization was still fresh. The encounters were ingrained in her head, making it throb. In a haste, she cleaned herself and took the refugee in her bed. As soon as she placed her on the pillow, she drifted to sleep. She would have continued to stay unconscious, just to give herself a break from self-loathing, but...

"Sakura dear, food is ready. Come out." Kizashi knocked on her daughter's door.

Sakura stayed silent, hoping her father would leave her alone. But the constant knocking was a clear indication that she had a dinner to attend. Sakura groaned and went to have her fill for the day.

They were having their dinner silence, until...

"Dear, how's your day?"

"It's good. We had to complete 5 stupid missions today." Sakura picked up her chopsticks to take small bites. Being a girl, she did have to maintain her figure, kunoichi or not. To her, her looks matter more.

"It's good to hear that. But, your father received some complaints about you. It's about hitting the villagers. You can't hit people at your convenience."

"Your mother is right. You may become a kunoichi, but that didn't give you the power to hit innocent people. We have given you a better upbringing. You will go and apologize to them personally." Kizashi said with an exasperated sigh.

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