XI. trapped in a trance

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My eyes fluttered open at the feel of something cool dabbed gently on my forehead. Sweat dripped gradually down either sides of my face as my body temperature became stable again. I managed to shift a bit and was aware that I was currently laying on a bed high off the ground. It wasn't my bed, however.

"I had to drop you off in Asao's room since it's downstairs and yours is upstairs," came a calm, male voice that sent warm chills to my body.

That's when I tilted my head to the left and perceived a man sitting at the edge of my bed next to my limp body, keeping a close watch on me.

I recognized him.

But when I tried to utter his name, I found no words coming out. Was it because I was dreaming and I didn't know his name?

There was no doubt, however, that that was the younger version of Beta.

"Fill me in, commander," I heard myself talking softly, "What did I miss?" The man's face was regrettably blurry from my perspective, but I had expected it since the last dream was fuzzy as well.

"1am, the team found you laying face-down in front of the penthouse when we arrived." the man explained attentively. He paused to give me a quiet gaze before continuing, "Your whole body was covered in bruises and cuts. I took you to Asao's room away from the noise outside. Everyone's fuming at your condition, they're planning to pull an all-nighter to get to the bottom of what happened to you."

I sighed with a shaky breath as he removed the damp towel and placed a hand on my forehead to check my condition. I couldn't see nor feel the wounds that Beta had said I received because of the blanket covering my body and because this was a dream, but I chose to believe the severity of the situation.

"You seemed in a rush, otherwise you wouldn't have passed out so close to the penthouse," he spoke up again, "Can you remember where you went tonight?"

I tried. But I knew it was useless. I didn't have the memories of whatever dream this was. So I stared at the man instead. I tried to figure out who he was. Does this mean the team had met? But... when?

His eyes came into view. They mesmerized me. He was... beautiful. I wanted to stroke his hair and peer into those eyes more. But he was sitting a bit far away. I wanted to tell him to come closer. His lips looked inviting. I glanced down at his lower half and my heart thumped rapidly. I wanted to calm the beating down, or else he'd hear it.

I had an urge to touch him. But he was sitting on the covers. What should I do... I almost looked frustrated and Beta caught me giving him a frown. I never saw him like this before.

Something was... happening. I could sense it through the fogged dream, even though my physical body was numbed.

All of a sudden, I was separated from my body and it was almost as if I was kicked out of first person and forced to be an onlooker, because now I was standing at the corner of the room, watching Beta tend to a young woman on a bed.

The girl whispered something that I couldn't hear from where I was standing, but I caught a glint of mischievous intent through her eyes. I froze after I walked slowly forward and realized that the woman on the bed now was a perfect replica of me.

The closer I got, the more I discovered that I could see all of her features perfectly. And I was afraid to say that while I did not know why this lady had my face and body, her eyes and expression... creep me out.

She was smiling a little to wide. An odd twinkle in her eyes. Her body was shifting into something not usual for a wounded and sick girl. My eyes were wide when her arms shot up and wrapped around Beta's neck. It was a swift, sudden move that even Beta hadn't suspected. Rather than pay attention to where 'my' arms were, he was still and gazed into my eyes with a small frown.

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