XII. exposed identities

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After confirming that my eyes weren't playing tricks on me, I let out a ragged scoff as Pierce's figure blocked my doorway. The door to my room was wide open, which meant he had full view of... everything.

The tension in the room rose and both Pierce and I oddly waited for the other to make the first move, say the first word. I realized we were both stubborn in our own ways. He with his controlled face, mine with all the emotions flickering through my eyes.

I snapped out of my trance when I noticed his eyes were staring at me. The dream resurfaced back through my head and my heart suddenly sped up.

I gave in.

"Get out of my room."
"Give me back my papers."

There was a short moment of awkward silence that followed after that double confrontation. We both groaned simultaneously at the fact that either of us could have held out longer had we known that we were both going to give in that quickly.

I repressed a disheveled breath as I sat up straighter on my bed and pointed a finger at the man before me. "How long have you been there??"

Pierce eyed the pointing as childish and shook his head in disappointment, glancing at his wrist. Tilting his head back and forth like he was weighing his better option, he shortly after replied with, "Like, 2 minutes?"

"2 minutes," I nodded before muttering the last part, "I'll be sure to include that in the police's report."

This man was always showing up unexpectedly. There's something about him that irks me, and I was going to get all my answers in the next twenty minutes.

"There was no way you were only there for two minutes," I proceeded under my breath, "You were definitely there longer. That's it. That must be why I was dreaming of—"

Pierce raised his eyebrows and dared me to finish my sentence. "'Of?'" His emphasis on the word made me purse my lips in regret. He seemed equally frustrated as he surveyed my room, as if he was searching for something.

"Cut it out." I snarled, getting back to my senses.

Pierce turned back to me. "Where did you hide the papers?"

It took me a moment to fully understand what he meant.

"... That's it?" I gave him a funny look that slowly turned into an vexed one, "You busted into my place like the ignorant asshole you are just for some sheets of homework?" Realizing I was in my jammies and my cover had slid down to reveal my upper half [even though there was nothing impressive] I retreated back behind the covers and glared at the man.

"Did I ask to meet a thief in the first place?" Pierce refuted, "Also, those covers don't have much to hide."

"How did you break in?"

"There's many ways. I chose one. And you won't know how."

"Try me," I frowned.

"Front door." He stated matter-of-factly.

Huh? "Front door?" I repeated.

He forced a simple smile. "Yeah. The one entrance that should always be kept shut at night? That one. You left the damn door wide open for the world to come in. Is security so insignificant to you just because you live solo and you can snap back a few smart-ass words?"

I let out a laugh of disbelief. Would you look at that hypocrite, acting like he's all that. Who does this numb-nut, douche-crease twat think he is, lecturing me for leaving the door open and possibly letting a prick in when he fits the description perfectly?

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