XXX. mother knows best

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Pierce's POV

FOUR SLEEPING BEAUTIES finally aroused from their slumber after succumbing to the hideous screech that was K2's voice hollering for them to wake up. Risa had long saved herself from the human alarm clock by climbing off of the helicopter beforehand for an extremely long, muscle-ripping stretch.

Asao grumbled that he wanted to stay back in the copter, still lifeless from a lack of sleep. When Cody nudged the boy awake a little bit rougher than he intended to, he got thwacked coincidentally when Asao twisted his body away. Kenya crossed her heart and performed a questionable voodoo chant so that it seemed like instead of wishing away 'dark-Asao,' she worshiped its return if the boys ever got on her nerves.

Pierce decided to resort to desperate measures and nodded solemnly to Osias, who snatched up the limp, twelve year old body and slung him over his shoulders. They marched off the aircraft bravely as one while an irritated Asao slowly banged his head on his carrier's back.

Pierce made a mental note to himself that while the boy may not have DID, dark-Asao came close enough as a second persona.

With Osias and Kenya cleared off the craft, Pierce observed Cody walking up to K2 with his face set in creased folds, and his jaws clenched in definition. "You veered the plane twice on purpose, didn't you?"

When he apprehended that his teammate was trying to take up a fight with their director, he waited for a good show with mental encouragement. K2 merely swiveled around to the man with his mouth hanging pitifully before boasting, "Oh, you were awake? Now I feel half as bad."

Pierce saw the blonde man pouncing forward in a restrained manner and clasp his brawny hands around the older one's suit collar. "Shut up. Give me a wet wipe. I know you have some in one of these confidential compartments in here."

K2 scoffed and actually appeared indignant for once. "This actual dumbo, do you think I carry around a nonexistent baby everywhere I go so that I'll have wet wipes to wipe its arse? Use your spit! We do that in the old days— oh god, this generation is—you think we had wet wipes during the War—"

Maybe... it was his time to diffuse the conflict. Maybe. He could see why Cody became Risa's best friend. The two had the potential to kill brains cells that weren't even theirs.

Pierce pondered on whether or not he should banish Cody off the helicopter now, or tell him that the old geezer actually had some gentle, clean baby wipes underneath his seat, and he had seen the director use them to wipe his forehead earlier when Risa gave him a heart attack.

"Ryder, off the plane," Pierce lifted his eyebrows with a hint of amusement, deciding to side with the director. "We have a mission to complete."

"Wow, I didn't even realize you were here. Next time, speak up." Cody shook his head sarcastically as he tried his best to clean the streak mark off his face. "Look, I can't walk in there," he thrusted his hand out towards the mansion. "Looking like this."

It was then that they heard Risa's voice resonating up to the helicopter. "What's taking you two so long?"

Pierce slanted his head towards the door to see her as she waited at the frame. "Your friend's face is ruining his self-confidence. You don't happen to have a spare face for him, do you?" He saw the woman's lips twist into a sly smile as she directed her attention to Cody. Her eyes lit up in mischief.

"Stop laughing," Cody implored irritably as he reluctantly climbed off.

Risa stuck out her tongue and helped him off with a mocking guise. "Alright, come here you big baby. I'll help you get it off."

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