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Chapter 13

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The last thing Severance wanted was to return to the forest.

Yet here he was, following a narrow footpath through the trees. The air lay still and heavy, suffocating in its silence. It was even worse than the last time. It felt like the dark trees hid hungry eyes that watched him pass by.

A branch cracked in the distance. Severance inhaled sharply, every sense on high alert. Was it another maditas? Or was someone sneaking up to murder him all over again? He almost took off running down the path like a scared chicken, but the last fraying thread of pride he possessed encouraged him to walk at a normal, steady pace.

That didn't stop him from keeping his head on a swivel, constantly monitoring his surroundings for the slightest movement. Maybe it was his paranoia speaking, but it felt like he was being watched. His thoughts kept flying back to that moment on the bridge, where he thought he'd seen the man in black.

There was no way, right?

A bloodcurdling scream ripped through the forest. It came from somewhere to his left, and he didn't know if it was an animal or a man. Severance didn't care. That was the last straw. He took off down the path, throwing every last bit of dignity and pride to the wind.

The path curved sharply just ahead. Severance charged around the corner and skidded to a stumbling stop as a massive clearing spread out in front of him.

Giant trees formed solid walls all around. The only way in and out of the clearing was the path he stood on, and a second path on the opposite side. Beautiful, glorious sunlight beamed down, chasing away the doom and gloom. There was even a steaming hot spring on one side, with pale pink rocks surrounding it and vibrant green grass everywhere else. Two buildings—a cabin and storehouse—sat in the clearing.

The clearing was entirely empty save for a single child. The small boy, dressed in trousers, suspenders, and a white button-up shirt, sat on a tree stump in front of the cabin, idly kicking his feet. He had to be around eight to ten years of age.

Severance looked around again, but saw no other person in sight. This had to be Jorgie. He approached the child hesitantly. "Hello?"

The boy looked up with such a serious little expression on his round face that even Severance had to admit that the kid was adorable. "Who are you?"

Letters appeared above the kid's head, confirming that he was the person Severance was looking for.

"I'm Severance. I came from Lady Joveline."

"That old hag, huh?" Jorgie leaned over and spat on the ground. "What's she want?"

Severance stared, speechless. Cute kids did not talk like that. Nor did they spit on the ground like disgruntled adults.

The boy frowned, annoyance scrunching his small face. "Well, speak up! Or are you gonna stand there all day like a dumb post?"

A muscle twitched beside Severance's eye. "She said you needed help finding your parents."

"Oh, that." The kid snorted. "Of course she would, that meddling hag."

A furrow settled between Severance's brow. There was something wrong with this kid. This wasn't how a child who'd lost his parents would act. Severance was the furthest thing from an expert when it came to kids, but he was pretty sure of that, at least.

"Okay, well...did you need help finding them?"

"No," Jorgie said. "I already know where they are."

"But I thought they were lost."

"They are."

Severance wanted to pull out his hair. This had Lady Joveline's touch all over it again. "Then why am I even here?"

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