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Chapter 33

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A rock fell from the golem. It hit the ground with a sharp clunk, bouncing once before it settling. A second rock fell. Then a third. And now the first rock twitched. It jerked towards the second rock, joining forces. The third skittered closer. And just like that, a baby golem stood on two stubby legs.

It rumbled and swiveled its little head as if not sure where to look or where to go. More rocks clattered, clumping together to form more golem babies. Within moments it was a rainfall, and Severance found himself backing up to avoid getting pelted with rocks.

"I got them!" Awesome Dude shouted. He ran right into the biggest group of golems. He whooped like a lunatic, daggers swinging wildly.

Severance shook his head in amazement. He didn't think Awesome Dude actually managed to hit anything, but the rogue definitely managed to draw the attention of all the nearby baby golems. They swarmed toward him like a crowd of cockroaches. Almost instantly Awesome Dude started losing chunks of his health.

Severance tossed over a Mend. Why was he surprised? This was the classic Awesome Dude behavior after all. He was even less surprised when Awesome Dude started charging around the arena, leading around a long train of golems.

Momo managed to take out quite a few, thinning them out by a large extent. Severance stepped in to help her, knowing that they only had a small amount of time to get rid of them. Any surviving babies would explode on the spot if they got hit with mama's shockwave.

When mama golem raised a leg, Maun immediately left her side. He too, was well aware of the danger.

While Momo hurriedly shot arrow after arrow, Maun simply went from one little golem to the other, dispatching them with a single strike each. For every single golem Momo and Severance shot down, he took out three.

When the Mama golem's foot dropped, not a single golem remained.

"Yeah! We rock!" Awesome Dude cheered. He sprinted to the golem boss once more, raising a hand for a high five as he reached Maun. To Severance's surprise, Maun actually smiled and returned the gesture.

The fight continued without issue for the next minute, until the next lightning attack took out Momo. One second she was standing beside Severance, and the next, light flashed and Momo went flying like a sack of potatoes.

"Oof!" She even sounded like a sack of potatoes, making a soft little thump sound as her body hit the ground.

This time, the Golem didn't immediately go into its stomp attack, so Severance had plenty of time to get her healed up. When the next series of baby golems came, all three damage dealers made short work of it. Well, Momo and Maun did most of the work. Awesome Dude just did what he did best, which was running around like a distracting headless chicken.

After one last lightning attack, the mama golem finally crumbled. What remained of the faint blue gooey veins faded into gray.

Awesome Dude and Momo cheered loudly. Severance stood and watched the giant heap of rocks. It had started to glow with a deep purple light. A hand dropped onto his shoulder, giving it a gentle squeeze. Severance jerked, startled out of his musings. It was Maun.

"What?" Severance asked, instinctively pulling away. He hadn't noticed Maun's approach and was a little unsettled. What does he want?

"Hm," Maun didn't say anything. He merely brushed off the front of his dark clothing. Although he had somehow managed to avoid injury for the most part, he had gotten a small amount of dust on his clothing. Each little pat chased away a small puff of dirt.

"Oh sweet!" Awesome Dude's shout made Severance look over to where the others gathered. Another one of those overly fancy treasure chests had appeared, and Awesome Dude was already crouching before it. "C'mere Sev! Look at this!"

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