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Chapter 52

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"There's something else you can help with," Registrator Bruella told them. Her voice was slightly strained, and she kept looking towards the door.

Both Severance and Awesome Dude perked up, though Severance couldn't help but look outside, wondering what she was looking at. All he saw was the gross slimy stocking laying in the dirt.

"There's a supply caravan getting ready to leave for Ironback," Bruella continued. "As it's a risky route through the mountains, they're looking for Outsiders to help. They're gathering at a small outpost a half mile further from the Fort. Go there and find Louie du Ie."

Quest Received: Speak to Louie du Ie at Outpost 12

"Huh?" Severance almost choked on his own spit. Lewy Dewy? What a hilarious name! He struggled not to laugh, and ended up coughing instead. Awesome Dude looked at him curiously. The Shade didn't appear to see the hilarity of the name, but that was okay.

Lewy Dewy!

Severance clutched his stomach, suddenly having enormous difficulty at keeping the laughter at bay. Maybe this was it. His sanity was finally falling apart. He'd cracked and now he was crazier than The Brain on drugs.

"Is something wrong?" Thunderclouds loomed in Bruella's expression.

Severance coughed, just barely managing to choke down the urge to laugh. "No?"

"Good," she snapped. "Now get out of here, both of you, and take your stench with you."

Severance immediately slipped through the doorway, still coughing. Awesome Dude followed.

"Did she seem extra grouchy to you?" The Shade asked. "Maybe someone made her mad."

"Like who?" Severance asked. He was pretty sure it was all the slime that bothered Bruella, but he was curious to see what Awesome Dude thought.

"I don't know. Maybe her boyfriend did something to make her mad."

Weirdly enough, Severance found himself picturing Augustine. He shook his head, rapidly dismissing that idea. Augustine was too put-together to do anything stupid enough to make a Valkyrie mad.

As they walked towards one of Two Bridges' main roads, a few people shied away as they passed, noses wrinkling. Severance grimaced, thoroughly embarrassed. He was really going to have to do something about his clothes.

"Anyway," Awesome Dude suddenly stopped, prompting Severance to stop as well, "I gotta log out now."

Severance was dismayed. "Already? But you've only been on for like an hour."

"Sorry." The Shade looked sheepish. "I have an exam that I need to study for. I promised my dad I'd only play for an hour tonight."

"Ah. Okay." Severance wondered what it was like to have a parent who cared about his studies. Awesome Dude was really lucky. "Then you better go study, I guess."

"Yeah. But I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Sure." Severance watched as Awesome Dude burst apart in a flurry of white sparks.

Once again, he was on his own.

Without Awesome Dude, Severance didn't feel very motivated to play much longer. He felt tired, even though physically, his body could keep on going for all eternity.

He spotted an alcove nearby with a bench, and wandered over. His clothes squished as he sat, causing him to shudder. Yeah, he was seriously going to have to fix that as soon as possible. Preferably by stripping naked and logging out, because when he came back in, he'd be perfectly clean. The only problem was that he'd be naked when he got back in.

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