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"Zendaya and the whites"
Zendaya [z]
Teegan [t]
Summer [s]
Juniper [j]

guys i'm shitting myself

it's just s rep carpet
w your boyfriend
for a massive movie
you might fall
but dw you'll be fine

you actually
so much

i've never done a red carpet
but i'm sure you'll be fine
youll look amazing

you will
i promise
you never look bad

you always serve looks
red carpets can be stressful
but you'll have all of us w you
well not teegs and summs
but hoco cast
you'll probably w tom the whole night

im j nervous
no doubt tom and i
will be asked if we're dating
literally 19484902 times
and we're going to say yes but
gah idk

you'll do amazing i promise
you'll look amazing
you're amazing

z is right and i'm watching u get ready
and girl you're SNATCHED
should've got there before tom

honestly same
june, you coming here soon?

yeah i'll be there in about an hour

mmmkay limo gets here in two
don't be late shister

i won't i won't
i'm ahead of schedule

have you talked to tom

not really eek

he gonna be speechless shister

oh 100%


Zendaya and Juniper had finished getting ready together and were in the limo on the way there. June had done red carpets before, but never ones on this scale. She did however love her dress and she loved the way she looked.

"Tom is literally gonna cum in his pants when he sees you."

"Oh my god, Z, shut up." She laughed and hit her arm lightly. "I'm just going to let him do him all the talking."

"Fair enough, just be yourself. You'll do amazing I promise." Zendaya assured her as she looked at her phone. "Okay so Tom and his family is already there, so is pretty much everyone else relevant to you."

Juniper nodded and checked her makeup and hair in the camera of her phone one last time before the limo came to a stop. She took a deep breath as she watched Zendaya follow her publicist out of the limo, camera flashes all but blinded her as she followed suit with her own publicist.

Juniper knew her publicist was talking to her but she couldn't bring herself to even listen to watch she was saying. It was all going in one ear and out the other.

"...Tom is going to do a couple interviews with you, namely E! and TMZ, try to avoid the smaller outlets. Look coupley okay? The press are eating these rumours up, don't say anything about your relationship unless directly asked, if asked, say yes."

Juniper nodded and followed her down the carpet, following instructions and never staying too long in front of the photographers before moving down. She thanked god for her publicist at the moment; without whom she would be completely lost.

When she made it past the main line of photographers (after taking photos with Zendaya and Laura, of course) she stepped foot into the interviewing section. That's when she saw Tom, he was a few feet away from her doing an interview. She couldn't help but smile when she saw the beaming grin on his face.

Tom caught a glimpse of June from the corner of his eye and had to do a double take to make sure it was her. He kept his eyes on her and smiled so wide his cheeks hurt.

"Sorry- what was the question? I got distracted for a second."

The interviewer laughed. "Who wouldn't be distracted by Juniper I mean, she looks absolutely stunning tonight."

The camera panned and zoomed in on her, showing her talking to her publicist and blushing when she noticed the camera on her. Tom waved his arm as a beckoning to come over, her publicist pushed her forwards. She made her way over Tom and his arm landed around her waist, pulling her close.

"Juniper! May I just say you look absolutely amazing tonight! That dress looks fabulous."

"Oh," she laughed and smiled. "Thank you so much it's definitely different than to what I'm used too."

"Good kind of different I'd say." Tom smiled as he looked down at her.

Juniper blushed and hit his chest.

"I'm assuming you're here tonight with Tom?"

"You have assumed correctly, yes."

"So how excited are you tonight? Have you seen the movie?"

"No I haven't! I'm so excited, I already know it's going to be amazing, I mean, some of most talented people I've ever met are in it. Plus, Spider-Man has always been my favourite super hero."

"Well we've been lead to believe that the man who plays him has become your favourite too."  The interviewer stated suggestively causing both Tom and Jupiter to laugh.

"We all know Jupiter can't get enough of me." Tom smiled playfully and looked down at her.

"I will neither confirm or deny that."

"Well can you confirm what the whole world is dying to know? Are the internet's favourite couple really a couple?"

"It looks like we've been caught, Jupe." He smirked playfully. "I can confirm that yes, we are dating."

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