drop the damn album

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"Your grandparents are so nice but I still think they don't like me."

"What do you mean? They love you!" Tom crawled on top of Juniper as she lay on the bed. "When you went to the bathroom my grandma said she thinks you're lovely and very eloquent and articulate."

"That's the most British thing I've ever heard." She smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. Tom laughed and pressed a kiss to her jaw. "But it's good, I guess."

"Mhmmm." Toms arms snaked around her back and pulled her small frame into his. "You looked really good today."

"I was literally wearing a hoodie and leggings."

"Well the leggings made your butt look nice." His lips connected with hers. "You always look nice."

"Babe, if you wanna have sex just say." Juniper laughed against his lips.

"Alright, alright, you caught me." Tom smiled pulled away. "Pwease?"

"Okay." Juniper laughed and kissed him again. She dipped her hands under the band of his sweatpants as his dived under her shirt.

Eventually her shirt came off and Toms pants were lowered. Things were getting especially heated between them when the door to his room opened.

"Oi, Tom, mum-" Sam started but immediately covered his eyes, groaning as Juniper hurried to press a pillow against her chest, anything to cover it. "Jesus christ, Tom, put your dick away."

"Fuckin hell, Sam" Tom scrambled to pull his pants off, getting off the bed and tossing Junipers hoodie at her. "Didn't mum ever teach you how to knock?"

Tom pushed Sam out of the room and into the hall, closing the door so Sam could only see his brothers face. Juniper took this opportunity to put the hoodie on before standing up off the bed and go over to Tom, who was whispering in harsh tones to his brother.

"Tom," She laughed a little pulled at his arm. "It's ok, it's kinda funny really. What did your mum want?"

"Mum wanted to know if you guys wanted tea." Sam said with a pointed look at Tom before smiling at Juniper.

"Tell her that would be lovely and we'll be down in two seconds." Juniper smiled back, folding her arms over her chest.

"If you're not, I know what you two are doing." Sam joked, earning him a punch of the arm from Tom.

"Sod off, Sam."

Sam raised his hands in defence before skipping down the stairs quickly. Tom shut the door and leaned his forehead against the wood. He was quiet for a moment before he started laughing. Juniper laughed too and handed him a shirt.

"Let's go, before Sam tells everyone what's going on."

"I'll kill him."


@tomholland2013: Can you believe this is my first time watching Jupe live? I feel like a bad boyfriend or something but look at her go!
Tagged: juniperr
4.3 mill views, 29,789 comments

username: she's so good?????

username: holy guac what is this song

username: NEW SONG???

teegansloane: stunning

zendaya: i'm looking at her go and i'm living for it

username: supportive!!!! boyfriend!!!!

username: this is so cUte

juniperr: aw honey bum 🤠 thank you xxxxxx


username: honeybum? that ain't it chief

username: can't believe instagram doesn't let us use pictures in comments yet. gutting.

username: this song better be on the album or i'm suing

juniperr: lol it is dw @username track 13. crags&burn xx pre-order on itunes 💓💓

summermckeen: we love a smart promoting sister and a boyfriend who also promos your amazing work xxoxoxoxoxo

username: she deserves so much more attention tf

username: RIGHT??!?!!? @username

dommoholland: I have to agree! She killed it!

@juniperr: i did perform in london tonight but i looked stupid so here's me looking much nicer! 1

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@juniperr: i did perform in london tonight but i looked stupid so here's me looking much nicer!
1.5 mill likes, 21,794 comments

username: you always look good wym

tomholland2013: i agree w this person @username

username: i saw you tonight!! so so good ❤️❤️

username: i wanna see you live :(((

username: drop the album already damn

username: we want the album release the damn album

teegansloane: i agree with all these people

username: i love you sm you mean the world to me

username: bro stunning!

username: come to brazil!!!!

so i failed my test lol and now i'm having another midlife crisis i need to dye my hair again

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