Tom and Juniper

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Juniper had invited Tom over and he'd agreed immediately. She'd been obsessively tidying for almost 30 minutes, anticipating his arrival. Eventually, she'd cleaned all she could she sat on the couch, twisting her rings around her fingers. Her leg bobbed up and down before Padfoot came and sat on her lap, making her stop.

Her dog pressed his face into her hands and she couldn't not pat him. She let out a breath she'd been holding in and relaxed a little. His tail wagged and thudded against the couch, creating a steady beat. She smiled and kissed his head, feeling ever so grateful for him in that moment.

Juniper was ok up until the point where the door bell rang. She tended up and Padfoot jumped off her lap, running to the door. Slowly, she stood up and hesitated before opening the door looking up at Tom.

He was wearing a black jumper with the hoodie up, he gave her a tight lipped smile and shoved his hands in his jean pockets. Padfoot wagged furiously and jumped up on him before jumping back down and scratching at his legs. Juniper grabbed his collar and pulled him away, scolding him quietly.

"Sorry, um, come in. You can just- sit on the couch or something." She stepped to the side and let him walk in. He towards the lounge and sat down on the edge of one of her chairs on the other side of the room.

Juniper sat on the couch across from him and rubbed her hands on her legs. "Have you- been on twitter lately."

"Uh- no, twitters full of people wanting me dead right now, so, yeah."

"Oh," She bit her lip.  "Well, you remember how you said a girl took me to the bathroom? She made some tweets and explained everything. She spilt her drink on me and she had a spare shirt so she took me to the bathroom and helped me clean up. Basically, the girl in the photos is me just wearing a different shirt that she gave me."

Tom was quiet for a moment as he processed all the information. "So I didn't- you believe me? You believe I didn't cheat on you?" His voice was quiet and hopeful.

"Well, yeah, because you didn't." She shrugged. "I'm so sorry I didn't listen to you."

"I would never ever cheat on you." Tom sighed in relief and leaned forward in the chair. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry this happened and I missed the release party and everything and I made a time that should've been so exciting for you, shit."

"No, no, it's not your fault at all. It's not your fault, I'm so sorry. I should've listened to you, fuck."

"No, Jupe, I don't blame you literally at all. I would've done the same. I would never ever cheat on you, ever. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I never want to hurt you and never want to do anything to jeopardise us." Tom pushed the hood off his head as he spoke. He stood up and made his way over to her, grabbing her hands and standing her up.

A tear rolled down Junipers cheek and Toms thumb wiped it away. She sniffed and looked away from him. He pulled her into a hug and kissed the top of her head, leading down to him peppering kisses all over her face. Juniper laughed a little while sniffing and smiled.

"Can I- can I kiss you?" Tom whispered.

Juniper nodded and his lips came crashing down onto hers. The kiss started out slow but gradually built up to both of them letting go of every inhibition. They collapsed onto the couch, Tom on top of her.

He all but ripped her hoodie off before taking off his own and throwing them both to the ground. It almost felt like the first time they had sex, just more heated. This time around, there was no trial and error, they knew exactly what the other liked.

However, like the first time, they were putting all the words they didn't know how to say behind their bodies. They expressing themselves in a way they couldn't with anyone else. It was Tom and Juniper. It would always be Tom and Juniper.

"zendaya and the whites"
Zendaya [z]
Teegan [t]
Summer [s]
Juniper [j]

so did you have makeup sex


ok so i think
i really think
this is the last kind of chapter
in a way
like the next ones are going to be like
snapshot imagine kind of things
but not like
plot driving chapter
love how when i started the drama i said i wasn't gonna post for a while and in literally less than 12 hours i've posted like 5 chapters and resolved the conflict lol

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