Chapter 1

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I sat inside of my office in London. I currently looked over the current applicants for my PMC operation over in the Middle East.

I remember the woman who I had offered a spot personally a few years ago. Her name was Elzbieta. Quite a beautiful woman if you ask me.

My phone rang on my desk top, so I picked it up.

"This is Y/N L/N."

"Mr. L/N, my name is Six, commander of Rainbow Six based in Hereford." A female voice answered.

"Yeah I know. Some of your ops worked for me. What do you need?"

"I've sent one of my ops to you. She's gonna need some cover."

"How so?" I asked.

"New name, passport, and a job. You can provide that right?" She asked sternly.

"Who do you think I am? Of course."

"Also, my offer still stands."

"I'm good on joining your team. I'm caught up here." I answered. She had once mailed me a handwritten offer to join Rainbow. I politely declined.

"When is your op gonna be here?" I asked the woman.

"Soon. Anyways, I have to go. Good taking to you." Six replied.

"Likewise." I said. I hung the phone up, and rubbed my eyes. I looked toward the picture of me and my brothers in arms back in 03.

Suddenly, my door opened to reveal Alexei, my security guy. He was a Russian bear of a man, and the M4 looked tiny in his hands.

"What ya need?" I asked.

"Blond woman here to see you." He replied in his thick accent.

"She from Rainbow?"

"Says she is."

"Alright, let her in." I said. Alexei nodded and stepped aside, revealing a very pretty blond woman who was slim and was curvy on her legs. I raised an eyebrow.

Alexei left and closed the door.

"Take a seat." I said. She nodded and sat down in front of my desk.

"I'm Y/N L/N, good to meet you." I reached over my desk, offering my hand. She grasped my hand softly and shook it. I couldn't help but notice how soft her hands were.

"Monika Weiss. It's very good to meet you." Her voice was distinct German. She smiled at me.

"Now, I take it your the op Six sent down to me?" I rested my elbows on my desk. Monika nodded. Her short blond hair was quite pretty.

"Now. Down to business. I need a basis of your operation and why I'm giving you my resources."

Monika nodded again.

"It's undercover, and personal, sort of. You see, another Rainbow operative went undercover in the Hell's Angels a long time ago."

"Those bastards?"

"Yes. His brother is now a large part of it. I'm going in to dismantle them again and try to save his brother."

"Alright. I can help."

"Danke." She replied.

"Well, it is late out. You got somewhere to stay?" I asked. It was currently 9:02 pm.

"I was planning to stay at the nearby hotel." She answered.

"Oh, uh, you might not want to. Trust me, that place is trashy. I stayed there a few times and I'm pretty sure that's how I ended up in the hospital for a day."

"Oh, well, now that I think about it." Her accent was quite sexy.

"Don't worry, I got extra places here. There's a couple rooms down to the left, just ask Alexei."

"Alexei!" I called out.

The door opened, the frame filled by a brick wall of flesh.

"Da, comrade."

"Escort this fine lady to an empty room and carry her stuff."

"Follow me ma'am." Alexei said.

Monika stood and smiled at me.

"It was very nice meeting you." Monika said.

"Same here."

Monika left behind Alexei, who bumped his head on the door frame.



I sat down on the surprisingly comfortable bed, setting down my clothes on the floor.

My thoughts went between Y/N and my mission. I had heard of Y/N from other operators back at Rainbow, especially from Ela. Apparently he had offered her a PMC contract that sent to her Afghanistan.

I also heard about him from Sledge, who served with his men when Sledge was in the S.A.S.

He was very handsome, and I liked the way he acted around me. At least he doesn't act like the recruits back at Hereford.

I started to undress, and put on my pajamas. I laid out my pistol and magazines on the night stand and I lied down on the bed.

I turned the lamp off and closed my eyes.


Y/N POV, Kabul, 2003

"Move move move!" I yelled to my men. Outside of the city were a few squads of enemy fighters, all armed with AKs and Dragunovs. I put another magazine into my rifle, having exhausted the last one.

I was stuck behind a humvee along with a few other infantry.

"Man down!" I heard someone yell.

Sure enough, across the street were two friendlies, both dragging a third to cover.

"Cover them!" I ordered. I peeked over and sent a few rounds to the enemies, one of my bullets finding it's home in an enemy.

I crouched back down and checked my ammo. I had five magazines left.

"RPG RPG!" The men across the street yelled. My face went from seriousness to worry as I looked at my men. The unmistakable sound of an RPG being fired came from the enemies.

"Get down!" I yelled. I ran and dived toward the ground, the humvee blowing up a split second before.

The last thing I ever saw was explosions and darkness.

A/N: Shady is back! I'm getting iut of my lazy hiatus and I'm gonna write.

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