Chapter 3

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Third person POV

Y/N sat in his office, a song playing on his phone. It was Queen, Another One Bites The Dust.

(Sorry if you don't like or know Queen)

"What the fuck am I gonna do with my life?" He quietly whispered to himself. Just then, Alexei barged in, slamming his forehead on the door frame again.

"Y/N, is 1:30. Meeting at 2:30. Hurry up Blin." With that, Alexei left.

"Ah shit." Y/N stood from his desk, and quickly got his army uniform on, as he always wore it to meeting with customers. He adjusted the cap and stepped out of his office. IQ had exited her room, and walked up to Y/N.

"Where are you going?" She asked him.

"Meeting with a client at the pub. You can come if you want." He smiled, and the smiled seemed forced under his baggy eyes.

"I could go for some beer." Monika chimed. She smiled back at him.

"Follow me." Y/N said.

He exited the building, Monika close behind.

"It's just a short walk. There it is." Y/N pointed down the street to a small pub with a large sign on the front, Colt pub and bar.

As it was spring, the weather was naturally windy and cloudy. The wind was worse today though. Y/N walked down the street, earning a few odd looks from people as he wore his old army uniform.

"Oi, lady, got a mighty fine lookin' arse don't ya?"

Y/N turned, and saw a fat, greasy haired guy cat calling Monika. He shook his head and walked up to the man.

"So, fat bastard, you wanna keep those fucking teeth?" Y/N said. The man looked scared at the tall, imposing man of freedom. He regained a face of confidence.

"Well of course I do ya fuckin' nitwit."

"Apparently fucking not you fat cunt. Eat something other than SOME FUCKING DICK. I WILL KNOCK YOUR ASS OUT RIGHT THE FUCK HERE." Y/N screamed in the man's face, spitting in his face as well.

The man backed up a bit, and wiped his face. "Alright, alright. You've made ya point you bloody bastard." With that, the man walked off, and bystanders looked on as if they had witnessed a murder.



I sat in the Colt, a small pub made for Irish drunks and the occasional bar fight. The bartender and owner, Jimmy Browning, knew me quite well. He was a short guy, with blond hair and a thin beard. I may or may not have participated in a few fights.

"Hey Jim." I waved to him.

"Oi, if it isn't me favorite American. How's ya sleep goin?" He asked.

"Shitty as ever." I said. I noticed Monika raise an eyebrow.

"Finally got a lady friend eh?"

"Nope. She's just a colleague." I noticed Monika blush a bit.

"That's a bloody shame. She's quite the looker, eh?" Jimmy winked at Monika.

"Careful," I warned. "Already yelled at some poor guy cat calling her."

"That was you? Well shite I heard ya screaming from 'ere."

"Well, I'm gonna grab a quiet booth. Got a customer coming in."

"Ah I gotcha. See ya 'round." He nodded and I walked toward the booth. It was the rambunctious crowd today, and a fight was bound to happen.

I sat down in my booth, Monika sitting next to me. I look at my watch.

"We got a few minutes left. He should be here soon."

"Is it always this wild here?" Monika asked.

"Hmm? Oh yeah. It's crazy." I stared into the distance.

"You seem ... distracted today." Monika said.

"Got a lot of stuff to worry about, and I didn't sleep well."

"Oh, do you have insomnia?" She asked.

"Probably." A long pause ensued. "Here he comes." Y/N looked toward the entrance, and a tall Asian guy in a business suit walked in. He spotted Y/N and walked over.

"Are you Y/N L/N?" He asked in a slight Japanese accent.

"That's me. You are?" Y/N asked.

"Ryusiki Kameda."

"Well, good to meet you. Have a seat." Ryusiki sat down opposite of Y/N and Monika.

"So, heard you were looking for some manpower." Y/N said casually.

"Yes. I own a large corporation, and I am moving many documents from my headquarters in Tokyo to my branch here in London." Ryusiki explained.

"Okay, so you need a few guards? Maybe an escort?"

"I was thinking two armored escorts, and ten men."

"What kinda documents you moving?" Y/N asked. He raised an eyebrow.

"Very sensitive information that would wreak corporate havoc if in the wrong hands." Ryusiki said.

"Alright. I'll contact you later, it was good meeting you." Y/N stood and offered his hand. Ryusiki stood as well, shaking his hand firmly.

"I look forward to our business." Ryusiki said, and then left.

Y/N sat back down and put his face in his hands. The bartender immediately came over and gave Y/N and Monika a pint of beer. Monika immediately took a sip, judging the beer. She continued to drink.

"Are you ok?" She said in her German accent.

"I just have a lot of shit on my plate." Y/N answered. He picked up the point and downed the entire thing in a few seconds. Monika raised her eyebrows.

"Let's just head back, you looked very tired." Monika said. She smiled and stood.

"Sure." Y/N also stood and lead the way out the bar.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2018 ⏰

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