Chapter 2

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I laid down on my bed at my apartment not far from my building. I left Alexei and some of the other security guys to run the place for the night. I stroked my short scruffy beard and started at the ceiling. Another night of sleeplessness ahead. Great.

My mind wondered throughout different thoughts. Some of my time back in the sandbox and some of Monika.

I looked across my room, a complete mess littered with beer cans and clothes. I had completely lost my shit. After a few failed relationships with British bitches who couldn't tell a joy stick from a dick and losing some guys in the field.

I got up from my bed and walked over to my messy work desk. It was littered with parts and my rifles were laid out on it as well. A modified M4 of mine and a Scar-L I had recently acquired from FN Herstal in Belgium. It was a smooth gun, having good accuracy and used 5.56 millimeter rounds. My M4 on the other hand, was easily my favorite weapon, having been the same one I used in 03. It featured a ergonomic grip on the rail on the bottom of the barrel and a holographic sight. It also features featured a extended magazine to give me forty rounds instead of the normal thirty.

The other parts consisted of a project I was working on. It was a heat sensor. Some parts lay assembled, while the rest were scattered in no particular order.

My phone on my nightstand rang out. I stood, grumbled, and walked over to my nightstand, picking up my phone. It was Alexei.

I pressed the green answer button and brought it to my ear.

"What you need?" I asked.

"You have new buyer. He wants to meet in person." Alexei's thick accent said through the phone.

"Alright. Where and when?"

"Tomorrow, 2:30 pm. Pub down street." He answered.

"Alright. Good night my friend."

"See you in morning."

Alexei hung up after his quick goodbye. I was lucky to hire him.

After I read his file, I tracked him down to a small hunting cabin twenty miles out from a town in Siberia. I walked out there and found him drinking vodka and eating the three large buck he had shot.

After quite the lengthy and dangerous conversation, I convinced him to join me in London and work for me.

His file was very impressive. He was ex Spetsnaz, having worked with the Rainbow Operator "Tachanka" and fought with his bare hands. Witness accounts say he ripped a guys arm off and beat him with it.

The man is a beast as well. He is 6'8 and weighs 290 pounds of pure muscle. I'm strong, and could maybe take him in a fight, but the man scared me when I first saw him. His large beard and scars only adding to his fear factor.

It's also like he doesn't need sleep. He once stayed up for four days straight and didn't show any signs of fatigue. When I asked him how he did it, he simply told me one word. Vodka.

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the clock. 12:38. I had started to show slight signs of insomnia starting in 05 two years after I left the army. I also had slight flashbacks which had gotten worse. Once I blacked out in the middle of my dinner. All I remember is the sounds of combat and a private dying in front of me then being woken up by Alexei, who had heard me fall and kicked my door down to get to me.

I finally lied back down on my bed and tried to sleep.



I woke up from the bed and looked at the clock on the nightstand. It was 4:30 AM. I heard voices down the hall, and I stood, still in my pajamas.

I stood and walked towards the door, quietly opening it. I stepped out into the hall and saw Y/N in his office, talking on the phone.

I stepped forward and walked towards his office.

"Yep, thanks again. I can't wait." Y/N said.

He put the phone down and rested his elbows on the desk, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning." I said as I stepped in and smiled. His handsome face smiled.

"Morning, Monika. You're up early." He stated. I sat down in the chair in front of his desk.

"I'm very nervous, and I couldn't sleep."

"It's only normal to be nervous. I served in the sandbox in 03. That's the pinnacle of nervousness there."

"Really? That's cool." I answered.

"Yeah..." His voice trailed off near the end. He opened a drawer and rifled through it. He pulled out an old picture. He handed it to me.

The picture was one of him and five others dressed in their American army uniforms and holding M4 rifles.

They were smiling, and in the background was hills of desert landscape.

"That picture was taken right before a Chechen sniper scoped us in." He said.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I suddenly felt a little sad for him.

"You're good. It was a long time ago." He scratched his short beard. I've always liked men with beards.

I pushed back a stray hair which had fallen down over my eyes, realizing my hair was an absolute mess.

"How do you run this whole operation?" I asked.

"It isn't too complicated. I have my branches throughout Europe and the U.S. recruiting people and they're sent here for training. Then, I always stay up to date with the most recent events and I've had armies or rich guys paying a pretty penny for security."

"You must have a lot of money." I observed.

"Not for myself. I put most of it into the staff and all my soldiers paychecks and into better gear for the company."

"Oh." I looked down at my bare feet.

"Also, before I forget. I'm heading to Germany with you." His words took me by surprise.


"Yep. I've got my branch there I'm going to visit and stay there. Also, if you need help, call on me. I've got plenty of experience." He said. He smiled at me.

"I don't know what to say." I blushed.

"Nothing. Just get ready."

A/N: Another one is out boys and girls

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