Chapter V

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The petite, old lady sitting across from me uncrosses her legs and re-crosses them again as she sips her tea. Ruby sits beside me, tenser than a rock as she stares at her grandmother. Ruby's grandma is weird. Weird in the way that every time I come over, she sits me down to have gross tea. And she makes me tell her about my sex life. No joke. 

"So, Cassie, Ruby told me that you and Caleb Bunks have become a thing." Marge leans forward, sipping gently on her tea. 

Little did Marge know I hadn't talked to Caleb since last week. As soon as she asks me that question, my entire mind blanks. Oh God, Caleb! He has to think I'm ignoring him or something. I had been so caught up with Grim I completely forgot that Caleb and I were actually a thing.

And that I technically cheated on him when I let Grim kiss me.

Oh for Grim's sake.

I really have to talk to Caleb...mostly about breaking up with him. I do not know how I could possibly not break up with him. I'm being chased by crazy angels--the God of Life even--and some demon called Rowl. How could I possibly deal with Caleb?

"Oh...yeah," I look at Marge quickly. Ruby sends me a look. I bite my lip before shrugging. "We broke it off though."

"Well, did you at least let him penetrate you?" Marge suddenly asks, making me choke on my tea. 

I think Ruby broke her neck in her haste to look at me. She sends me a look, her mouth opening up in shock. I think I look the exact same way. What kind of...whose grandmother asks that?!

"How much longer are we going to be here? It smells like dead moths in here," Azrael hisses in my mind. My gaze shoots down to my leg. I need to get out of here. 

I have an excuse to get out of Marge's tea table. It just includes Azrael slipping across the floor so I can scream "snake". I know Marge is deathly afraid of snakes, so I am sure she would run away from Azrael as if he was the Grim Reaper coming for her soul.

Huh, I actually know the Grim Reaper. Maybe he could come and help me out of this.

"Um..." I trail off. Azrael winks up at me from under the tablecloth, probably reading my mind on what I want him to do. Azrael slips down my leg and onto the floor. Seconds later, I am bolting up from my seat screaming. Ruby and Marge quickly follow, their eyes landing on Azrael as he slithers around the kitchen. I scream more, making Marge start to scream. Ruby shouts for us to calm down and quickly runs to the snake, but her grandma pulls her back. Marge looks scared as hell, from the way her eye whites are showing. Azrael sort of smirks before growing and hissing. That's when Marge practically trips over Ruby in her haste to run away.

Azrael's mouth hangs open, some poisonous venom dripping down his mouth as he stares at Marge.

"How dare she ask if someone penetrated you!" Azrael hisses before rotating himself around and quickly wrapping around my leg. Marge has disappeared upstairs and is screaming at Ruby to call animal control.

"There's a gun in the closet!" Marge howls before her door slams shut and Ruby and I are left standing in the kitchen. We both look at each other quickly before her eyes land on Azrael. He has made his way to my neck, where he is curled possessively around it.

"Care to explain how the hell you have a snake and just made my grandma fill her catheter?" I innocently smile before shrugging.

" Azrael," I hold my hand out for Azrael to climb on it, holding him out to Ruby. Azrael proudly puffs his chest out, his eyes narrowing cockily. He knows he's pretty and he's going to show it. Azrael awaits Ruby's touch, his tongue slipping out as she pets him.

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