Chapter 3: Three Homework Due

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After dinner, Olivia decided to start her homework due the next day. Seating in the dining table she realised she doesn't have one but three homework due for tomorrow. So, now she started to panic and regret not doing it last week.

It's around eleven at night when she finished her 2000-word essay that she bullshitted. 'I'm lucky if I get at least at D in that paper' she told herself and placed the papers on the side. 'two more' she said staring at the table.

Meanwhile, Julian was brushing her teeth when she heard groaning sounds coming from down stairs. So, standing on top of the stairs she saw Olivia crumpling papers and tossing it on the floor.

So, she went down and peaked at Olivia's work "need some help there?" she asked

Clearly startled, Olivia jumped from her seat "Julian!" she shrieked "Stop sneaking up on people"

The other girl sat in front of her and grabbed one of the books "Ah chemistry" she said flicking through the pages

"Can you not annoy me, I have work to do. And don't you have homework to do?"

Julian shook her head "Did it in the weekend, instead of partying" she teased

"Can you just leave if you're here to mock me?"

Julian peeked at Olivia's paper "There's four hydrogen chloride on the right"

Olivia checked her sheet again and gave the other girl a questioning look "How do you know that?" she challenged

"Because I'm a genius and I actually listen to the lessons" Julian mocked

"Can you just leave?!" said a frustrated Olivia

"Ok, ok. I'll behave"

It took them another two hours completing that one and moved on to the next. Julian placed a cup of coffee in front of Olivia "Thanks" then leaned closer to look at the math problem. Olivia on the other hand felt weird with Julian being so close to her.

She can smell Julian's lavender scent "You have to use this formula to get the hypotenuse" Julian instructed

Olivia who wasn't paying attention cleared her throat "Sorry what?" she asked. So, Julian explained the formula again. It was around three in the morning when they finished because Julian still had to teach Olivia how to do the problems.

"I can't do this!" Olivia complained making Julian laugh at her

"It's just a simple math problem. I bet my 12-year-old cousin can solve that better than you"

"Are you going to stop irritating me?"

"Ok, ok geez. I'll stop"

"Where does this go?"

"What do you mean where does this go? It's maths, it doesn't go anywhere"


Julian stretched in her seat next to the other girl "Ah finally!" she let out. She checked her watched and saw its 3:45 in the morning "If we're lucky, we can have three hours of sleep" she said standing up from her seat

Olivia was fixing her things when she saw Julian going up the stairs "Hey..." Julian turned to her "Uhm... Thank you"

Julian gave her a friendly smile "No problem"

Julian woke up first and cooked their breakfast. Olivia woke up a few minutes later and went down feeling shit "Good morning, sleepy head" Julian greeted and placed an egg in Olivia's plate.

Olivia didn't answer and looked for her phone bag. She couldn't find it anywhere so, she went to her room and nothing "hey have you see—"

She saw Julian pointing at the TV stand and saw her phone charging there "You forgot to take upstairs last night, and I didn't want to disturb you. So, I just charged it here"

"Thanks" Olivia replied simply and looked inside her bag again.

"It's inside your blue folder" said Julian still cooking. After breakfast, Olivia went to school first because Julian had to clean up. She exited and checked her pockets for her car keys but nothing. "It's on the key hanger by the door" Julian shouted from upstairs.

When Olivia arrived in school she looked terrible. She couldn't fix up properly this morning because she overslept. She wouldn't have woken up if Julian didn't wake her. She looked inside her bag and locker and realised she forgot her laptop "Shit" she cursed

"How unorganised are you?" said Julian behind her making her turn. She saw the other girl holding a pink MacBook "You forgot this" said Julian "and I thought you might need this" offering Olivia a cup of coffee

"Thanks" the girl replied and walked away to their lesson leaving Julian in the hallway.

"A thank you would be nice" shouted Julian but Olivia ignored her. 

In their classroom, Olivia was surrounded by her friends "So, are you coming to Andrei's birthday today?" asked Stephanie

Olivia looked up tiredly "Is that today?" she asked

"Well, duh! You should know this. The bitch literally remind us everyday"

"Shit, I totally forgot"

"Forgetting his birthday is like the end of your social life. He will never invite you ever again. You know how bitchy he can get"

"I know"

"Well, why don't we go gift shopping after school. So, we can hang out. It's been like forever you know"


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