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It's been approximately two years and a half since that confrontation with Olivia that day and after they graduated they finally decided to tie the knot. Julian let out a breath before opening the front door. She's currently at the Anderson estate because her fiancé wanted to talk about the plans for their wedding.

When she opened the door, she saw Olivia and their parents in the living room with another person, probably the wedding planner. She couldn't see the face because she was facing the other way. "Babe!" Olivia greeted her and gave her a quick peck on the cheek and a slap on the arm "you're late"

"Sorry, I had to attend a few meetings" she replied and followed the other girl towards the others

"Ah Jules, you're finally here" her mother started "meet Kelsey Carmichael, she will be your wedding planner.

The woman turned to Julian and their eyes widen "You" said Kelsey

"You know each other?" Olivia asked beside Julian

"Yeah, it's a small world after all" replied Kelsey "But long story short, she's my hero"

Everyone turned to Julian who haven't said anything yet "Uhm, well. I just helped her with her tires. That's all, no biggy"

"What do you mean no biggy. You saved my life" said Kelsey placing a hand on Julian's knee, but that didn't go unnoticed with Olivia "I was on my way to an important meeting and if you weren't there to help me then I wouldn't be here"

Julian moved her leg slightly and gave the woman a forced smile trying to ignore the stinging sensation on her side because Olivia is pinching it. "Like I said, I was just trying to help"

"No really, you're my saviour" Kelsey insisted

"Uhm, why don't we start then, babe" Olivia interrupted

Hours later, Julian and Olivia are currently back at Julian's penthouse. She's untying her shoelaces while Olivia brushes her hair by the mirror "I think we should find a new wedding planner. I know this guy in London who planned one of the royal weddings" Olivia started

Looking up, Julian asked "why? What's wrong with Kelsey" but as soon as she said that she regretted it. She slowly looked at Olivia's reflection on the mirror and saw her ready to skin her alive "well, I mean. She's already there and we already started. We don't have more time to change the planner"

Olivia still didn't say a word, but she has that 'really?' look on her face.

"Ok fine" Julian finally dropped it "but I'm just saying we don't have enough time"

Olivia placed the brush down forcefully "why are you defending her?"

"Babe, I'm not"

"Then you do you keep pushing her to be our wedding planner?" she turned to Julian with a fuming look on her face "this is our wedding Julian, ok! Keyword, ours. We have to make decisions that we both like" she turned back to the mirror again "go marry that girl if you want since you two seem to agree more with each other"

Sighing Julian walked towards Olivia and stopped behind her "Babe" she placed her hands on the girls' shoulder.

"Don't touch me. Go to your bitch" Olivia spat

"Olivia, look at me" she said calmly. But the woman didn't budge. She leaned forward so now they're on the same height. "Please"

Finally, Olivia turned around to face her and Julian knelt on one knee holding unto Olivia's hands now

"Look, I love you with all my heart, ok" she gazed up into the other girls' eyes "and I would marry you anywhere and anytime" she paused "All I'm saying is that, if we change planners now, then that'll take ages again. I'm not saying that I'm pushing Kelsey to be the planner, matter of fact, I don't care who plan it. I don't even care if we get married under a bridge. I just don't want anymore time wasted. I just want you to be my wife already"

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