Chapter 14: Jersey #14

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Monday came and to Julian's surprise, Olivia's been hanging around her more. But she's clingier and bossier in some sense. "Where's my coffee?" Olivia asked

"You know I'm not your slave, right?" Julian asked handing the girl her coffee

"Are you saying something?"

"No, no" Julian raised her arms "by the way, I'll be home late today?"

Olivia turned to her and gave her a suspicious look "And why? Don't tell me you're going out with that girl"

"I have a game tonight"

"Oh, ok" said Olivia and walked away.

Afternoon came, and Julian and her teammates are in the dugouts. While the boys' team are having their game first. She went out to see how's the game going and saw that they were doing just fine except it made her blood boil just seeing Kyle play.

She rolled her eyes and stretched 'I don't even know why coach let him play, he's like a toothpick. He doesn't have hand and eye coordination and he get to brags about being in the team' Julian thought.

When it was the start of their game, the girls started their warm-up drills and did some shooting. While shooting some free-throws some people in the crowd were shouting Julian's name 'Go number fourteen!" a girl shouted, and Julian doesn't recognise her so, she must be from the other school.

Julian in comparison to Kyle has more experience with a 4-year winning streak behind her back in Germany. But she doesn't get cocky. "Go Julian!" a group of girls cheered. Julian just nodded at them politely.

The game started and of course Julian's team is taking a massive lead. This team is not as bad. They've been winning games in the past.

While in the game Julian noticed a familiar figure in the crowd 'Olivia' she thought 'What is she doing here? Maybe she's here to watch Kyle's game' she took a shot and saw Olivia cheer making her heart flatter 'or mine'

The first half ended, and Julian's team still has the lead and the other team seemed to be struggling. Their coach was telling her players the next move and Julian while listening seemed to pay attention more on the girl on the bleachers.

The other people on the crowd kept chanting Julian's name making the other girl roll her eyes and that didn't escape Julian, making her smile to herself.

The second half started, and the other team seemed more aggressive on making more points and to stop the other team from scoring.

A player from the other team took a shot and because Julian was under the basket, she jumped to take the rebound.

The other player from the other team also jumped and because she was taller she took the ball and on the way down the other girl elbowed Julian, making her groan in pain on the ground.

"Hey that's a foul" Julian's coach shouted to the referee.

Julian still on the ground was holding her right cheek in pain and suddenly blood started to flow down from her mouth.

She tried to get up but still felt disorientated.

Meanwhile, Olivia wanted to bolt to the court, but her friends stopped her.

A girl helped Julian up and walked her to the bench. They then fixed her up and told her to rest for the rest of the game.

The game started again, and Julian team started to fall behind without their star player. Julian kept pleading to let her in again. At first their coach was reluctant but agreed in the end.

After the game Julian's team won taking a massive lead against their opponent "Good game" a girl from the other team told Julian shaking her hand. She was the one who helped Julian.

"Yeah, you guys were great" Julian replied

"Thanks" the girl came closer "Maybe we cou—"

"Ehem" said someone behind making them turn

"Well, it's great meeting you Julian. Nice game" the girl said and left

"Congrats" said Olivia handing Julian a towel

"Thanks" Julian replied with a confused look on her face "I didn't know you're into these things. Came here to watch Kyles' game?"

"Y-yeah. Sure"

"Hey babe!" said Kyle swooping Olivia into a hug "I thought I saw you in the crowd"

Julian rolled her eyes and walked off.

"Did you see me play?" asked Kyle

"Y-yeah. You were great" replied Olivia glancing towards where Julian went. Olivia got home and found Julian in the kitchen icing her cheeks "Does that hurt?" she asked making the other girl turn

"What do you think?"

"Ok, geez! I was only asking. I didn't know it a sin to be caring now"

Julian grinned "I didn't know you can 'care'"

Olivia threw her a brown bag and walked away. Julian opened the bag and saw painkillers, icepacks, and creams for her bruised cheek.

So, Julian feeling guilty ran to Olivia's room where she found her on her bed covering her face with pillows "I'm sorry" Olivia threw her pillow towards Julian and the other girl caught it "Thank you for the stuff"

Olivia still didn't reply

"Why don't we order some food? Sushi? Then we could watch Lion King. How 'bout that?" Julian tempted. She knew those were her favourites

Olivia bolted up her bed and went downstairs

Julian smiled on how the other girl acted 'You never change' 

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