25 | A Rearrangement

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He didn't look at all embarrassed, by having been caught in the rather... compromising position. If anything, he seemed entirely at ease. That's when I realised it.

"You a real piece of shit, you know that?" I said, rubbing my mouth harshly as if it would wipe away the memory of his lips on mine. I felt disgusted— both at him for setting me up, and myself for walking straight into, not a moment of hesitation or fight.

The man, who had been settled in the darkness to be obscured from sight, had scarpered. Now, all that remained of him was my eyes still needing to adjust to the brightness of the flash. Once they had, I turned and stormed away, reeling. Absolutely fucking furious.

Archer makes no attempt to come after me. Instead, he pulled a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, stuck one in his mouth and lit it. He breathed in deeply and relieved his lungful of smoke in his next exhale, so that it seemed to completely consume him.

When I did step back into the room, I must have looked a complete and utter mess. The make up Autumn had so carefully decorated my face with, was smudged due to me having rubbed my eyes to attempt to deter the awaiting tears.

It was stupid. I shouldn't be so upset. This was the entire agreement, after all: pretend to be his girlfriend. And those in a relationship did tend to kiss, it was inevitable. But the point of him not even giving me warning of his intentions when he sprung on me, not having the decency to do so. It pissed me off.

"You won't believe what—." Autumn's words seemed to evaporate as she assessed my condition. "Darling, are you alright?"

"Fine," I breathed, shakily. "Too much champagne."

She looked like I'd just told her I'd been to mars, utter disbelief. "Why don't we get you home? A good night's rest will surely help, no?"

I nodded, but halted us when we got to the door. "I don't want to face them again," I said, motioning to the still standing photographers, armed and on guard.

She paused and nodded. Her phone, hidden in her bra, was whipped out, she'd dialled a number and had the phone by her ear all in a matter of seconds. Not long after, she was talking quickly but clearly, and replaced her phone in it's hiding place.

"Bill'll be here for us in a second."

"No, no. You stay here. I'm not going to let you have me ruin your night."

She pushed some hair behind my ear and aided in wiping my face of out of place make up. "Don't be silly, I'm not letting you go alone. Besides, these people." She motioned behind her to where the people were partially hidden by the wall. "Are such bores." She rolled her eyes and I couldn't help to smile, if only a little.

However, the better mood didn't hold for long as I spotted Archer re enter the room and go to stand beside Noah. They spoke between each other, Noah holding his phone to him.

I tore my eyes away from them, a disparaging feeling of dread worming its way throughout my entire body.

"He's here," Autumn said, looping her arm with mine and guiding me towards the door to where the distinct figure of Bill was blocking the harsh lights from outside. The comfort of both of them being there acted as a blanket over the fear, not completely eradicating it but aiding to settle it slightly.

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