34 | Pull Yourself Together

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(please read a/n at the bottom, thank you x)

I'D TRIED TO GET away from Archer as quickly as possible, but made it seem subtle that I wanted to high-tail it as far from his as possible. Hopefully.

I just couldn't quite think straight when he was near me, whether that be five feet or a few inches. God, what is happening to me? A nagging voice in the back of my mind was yelling at me for distancing myself, the other laughing her rear end off. This bitch knew I wouldn't be able to keep to one of the standard, viral agreements: no feelings.

I used to chastise other girls for being so easily swept away by someone, yet here I was, in about the same predicament. No, I haven't fallen yet. There's time to stop my inevitable demise.

I'd gone over and over and over in my head last things, so much so they were like my own personal mantra. Now, in the morning, being sat beside him, I found it difficult to remember my own name. Pull yourself together, woman.

I get up from the table. A little too abruptly it would seem, as Autumn visibly jumped. I had yet to ask her where she'd disappeared off to, and although I was a nosey cow, I was in desperate need for some space... especially when I'd be spending the next week with him.

When I'd just reached for the door handle, I heard the door to my left creek open.

"Miles—" I went to say, face brightening as I thought about us going back to how we were, chatting colourfully about my trip. He'd probably aid more than anyone in calming my nerves, too.

He turned to me, face impassive. "It's not all just going to go away this time, Jolie. Words mean nothing when your actions say otherwise."

I went to say something more, but another voice had me turning away from him. He'd looked over my shoulder at the person.

"Jolie," Michelle said again, coming closer.

Miles has a strange look on his face, still pretty impassive with an undertone of something more. He switched his gaze to me again, almost as if anticipating what I was going to do.

I turned to her. "Michelle I really have to—" but Miles was already gone.

"It'll only take a minute anyway," Michelle said, the sly smile usually resting on her face dimmed almost completely. She looked to where Miles had been, but paid him little more mind than that. "I wanted to apologise, for last night. I got carried away and I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble."

"It was nothing," I smiled. "More amusing than anything, to be honest."

She rubbed her head. "God, yeah, Archer mentioned something about me stripping."

"In the middle of the ballroom?"

Her mouth gaped then and her expertly hidden blood shot eyes widened comically. "I didn't... did I?" She brought her pale hand to her lips and muttered a quiet, "Shitze, not again."

"I'm joking. You only stripped when you were in the bedroom."

She breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god."

"Michelle?" I asked, after a short lapse. She looked up at me, overly defined cheekbones catching the light making her already ghostly skin look almost translucent. "There was no way you could've been so drunk after two glasses of wine."

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