29 | Wonky Thing

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ARCHER AND MOST of the remaining members of the Elite were late to breakfast the next morning or had simply decided not to show up, save for Autumn. Usually, I'd be glad for this— she was the one I'd grown closest to, and without a doubt the one I felt most comfortable with. Yet, today it all felt a little... off.

She sat beside me, silent, or if she did reply, it was in the shortest way she could manage. I might have let it slide, but this had been happening for quite a while, only now it was blatantly obvious.

I was beginning to miss the way Miles would just come out with what was wrong, instead of this torturous silent treatment.

"Are you okay?" I asked at last.

She lifted her eyes up from her phone for a brief moment, only long enough to reply, "Fine."

"Seriously?" I said, turning to face her. "You've been off with me ever since—" ever since she found out about me and Archer. I remembered then, having a brief flashback to the night at Archer and I's first appearance together... when I'd basically lied right to her face. "Look, Autumn, I'm really sorry for lying to you. It was completely wrong of me. I guess I just panicked." That wasn't a lie.

"I appreciate that," she said and like an invisible veil had lifted, she regained some of her usual self. She hugged me tightly. "You're forgiven. Have you got everything ready for the Christmas Ball?"

I knew she'd been wanting to gossip about something or another and maybe if I'd remembered about this ball, the one Miles hadn't shut up about, I may have thought it was this. As usual, I had nothing prepared.

"Absolutely nothing."

She clapped. "Good, because I've got everything planned. Still not completely happy about you dating my brother, but I've got you guys matching attire."

"No, no, I refuse to be that couple."

"It's not bad matchy, more like subtly working well together. I promise. I wouldn't make you look stupid." I didn't have much else to do than trust her, so nodded, though still hesitant, as means of acceptance. "I've got to dash. Still got so much to do!" She said, as if finally realising just how much she did have to get ordered. "Come by around four and we'll get ready."

When she got up and was out of the door, I went over to Miles and Melanie who, like Autumn, were intent on discussing the ball.

"Where's Piper?" I asked as I sat down, stealing a piece of toast from Miles's plate.

Melanie cringed a little. "With my mother."

"She in trouble or something?"

Miles interjected, "Hello, this is Piper Connor we're talking about. She's probably being recruited as a spy or something."

"Like she has the athleticism for that," Melanie laughed.

"Can you believe this bitch," Miles says, pointing to me with his fork. "Is going on the trip of the year with Archer fucking Redwood?"

"So you're going? Like actually going?" Melanie looked surprised. She'd probably thought I'd chicken out, having figured out that much over the last few weeks we'd all been hanging out, though recently, it was a lot less. "God you're going to get fucked into oblivion next week."

I cringed, putting my head in my arms. "Oh my god, no."

"If you haven't done it yet," Miles said, dark eyes flickering with amusement. "You'll definitely be doing it on this holiday. One hundred percent. Fact."

"Whatever," I groaned.

"Be grateful," he laughed. "You get to shag that fine piece of arse." I hadn't noticed but Archer, Houman and Michelle had settled themselves at their table. "There has to be something wrong with him, anything. He can't surely be that perfect. Bet he's got a wonky thing, doesn't he?"

"Well, she'll be finding out in a few days, won't she?"

"Honestly, I'm not going to be shagg— oh, hey," I said, face heating up a ridiculous amount, when I turned to see Archer hovering behind me. He gave a nod to my company, and then put his sole attention on me.

"You ready?" He asked. I nodded and took the hand he offered me to get up.

"You'll still pick me up from the airport, won't you?" I asked Miles, pleading silently for him to go along with it.

He did not catch my drift. "What ar— ouch, yes, of course. Still will," he said, then angrily whispered, "Fucking hell woman, you could've broken my foot." I smiled a little, covering it quickly as I let Archer lead me out of the hall, hand still in mine.

Michelle and Houman were talking between each other, I noticed as we went. Well, Houman was talking to the fire girl and she was grinding her teeth in annoyance, picking at her food.

It should have felt completely uncomfortable, weird, like I should lurch as far away from his as possible... yet, it... didn't? I tried not to think too much about it, shutting my eyes briefly to clear my mind.

Easier said than done.

hey, guys! I'm sorry this is bit of a short one, and poorly timed, but if it makes any difference... we have about fifteen(!!!!) chapters left of this book, which is insane. that means, Agreements With Mr Rich Boy is going to be officially done, finito (the first draft at least) and maybe you should expect to see new works for the future ;)

anyway, with that out of the way, I hope you had a lovely christmas, if you celebrate it and a happy new year! have you got any resolutions you're planning for 2019? any you've already broken?

my whole no chocolate thing flew out of the window at about 0:01 in the morning... whoops? not even mad about it tbh

love, rosie x

love, rosie x

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