Bought & Sold

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The ground is cold and the air surrounding me is colder, the only thing of note is the light shining through the bars of my cage. My name is Y/N and I have been sold into slavery by my parents so they can afford alcohol and/or opioids, a fair trade in their eyes. I've always been the runt with 2 other siblings (literally) above me, worst part is I'm the middle child at 15 years old. My little sister, Aubrey is turning 10 in about a month and my older sister, Jessica is turning 17 in 3 months. My 'father' always said I have to be the man of the house, well you can't be the man of anything when you stand at 4'11", especially when a 9 year old is almost as tall as you are. While Jessica is in town selling our crops and Aubrey is working the house already, I'm left with little to do. I usually help out Aubrey with dishes and the such but recently Jessica has...teased me. I'm naturally submissive by nature and Jes isn't technically my actual sister, different mothers and all so she's been sneaking into my room at night. At first is was just her sleeping in my bed or striping me in my sleep then yanking the covers off, but recently it's taken a more...sexual turn. Jes, being 6'2" is dominant and enjoys seeing me squirm under her touch, she's never actually done anything but she has teased and lightly kissed before. Honestly I was happy to get out of the house, I just wish it where under different circumstances than, you know, being literally sold out. At least I was expensive, my height allows for a more wide range of uses so the traders paid more than the cost of our farm, all just for lil' ol' me. And here I am, in a cage, on a cart headed straight for the Empire, just due south of my farm, the traders said I'll sell for far more than what I was bought for, and I believe them. 

TimeSkip, 6 days

I wake up due to a jolt of the cage and multiple voices flood into my ears mainly the one saying

"Get up runt, it's your turn" He says before opening my cage and motioning out

"O-ok" I lean onto my knees and push upward, getting into a standing position. I walk out to see dozens of people in masks staring back at me. Most of the masks have numbers on them but there are a few animal-inspired ones, a fox, an owl and most notably an octopus. I make an attempt to tug at the bottom of my shirt but am promptly stopped by one of the traders. Considering the fact that all I am currently wearing is an oversized long-sleeve T-shirt, I was shaking. 

"This little piece of work is Y/N, a 4'11" boy at the ripe age of 15!, starting bid is 100 silver standards!" He said with a bosting voice

"150 standards!" A man with a 6 on his mask raises his paddle

"210 standards!" A woman with a 17 on her mask raises her paddle

"500 standards!" A woman in a wolf mask stands

"900 standards!" The octopus man yells with a paddle in his hand

"20 gold standards!" A man with a 10 on his mask stands

"Going once!, twice!, sold!, to number 10. Come claim your prize!" The trader bows as the man walks up the aisle, handing him the sack presumably filled with gold. He harshly grabs my arm and drags me down the middle, muttering incoherently as we walked. Once we got to his carriage he throws me in the back and gets on the seat, I hear a whipping sound and the carriage lurches forward. 

TimeSkip, 3 hours

When the carriage finally stops the man hops off and throws me out of the carriage, slamming the door behind me. 

"Get in the house" He grumbles, motioning toward the small hut in front of us

"Y-yes sir" I scurry toward door and open the door for him

"Good little pet" He walks past and grabs my wrist on the way "Time for bed" He throws me onto the floor and goes to what looks like a couch to fall asleep. I curl into my shirt and drift off to sleep, despite the cold floor and the air surrounding it colder. 

Author's Note:

Sorry If I got the monetary system wrong, It's never really specified in the anime so I went off of what it was during that time. Sorry in advance.

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