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"You are to invade Night Raid's base of operations, tonight" The little emperor from my trial tells me and Esdeath "And e sure to bring the Thr-"

"Y/N, his name is Y/N" Esdeath sas with the slightest bit of spite 

"Yes, you will have Y/N accompany you, I'd like to see how much damage he can do" He smiles

"He did well enough against the Jagers, going as far as to dismember Wave" Was that his name? "I'm confident he'll do brilliantly" Esdeath smiles to herself

"Good, now...Destroy Night Raid for your emperor" a fat man walks out from behind the throne

"Yes sir!" I salute and straighten my back

"Good, you two are dismissed"  The small emperor waves his scepter in a circular motion before slamming in the ground

TimeSkip, 1 hour

I've figured out how to summon the tendrils and even learned how pick myself up. Running with them is a little difficult because I'm still getting used to the feeling, although they'll move against me if it means saving my life. I've jumped off the palace a few times now and every time they've broken my fall...along with the ground below me. Esdeath says I should train some more but I figure reaction time is most important. Ran agreed to help my by shooting me with his feathers and the same thing happens, my tendrils block them without any input from me. Bols  shot me at full blast and they made a ball around me, although it got hot after a while. As far as I can tell they have no limit on how far they can extend, although they do have a weight limit and that could be bad. 

"Y/N, it's time" Esdeath knocks on the wooden slab by the door leading into the training ring

"I really get to come?" I tilt my head and my tendrils heave next to me

"Yes, those extra limbs should be useful" She points an icicle at me before shooting it, and of course one of my tendrils grabs it midair and breaks it "Very useful"

"Ahhh you've upset them" I look at the pointed tendrils surrounding my vision

"They're sentient?" She looks at me questioningly with a tilted head

"I guess, sometimes I can't even control them" I try and make them go down but they stay at attention "See?"

"That'll be useful" She nods lightly "Anyway, we have to go" She waves me over and walks off to the right

"Coming!" I start running after her and my tendrils seem to relax, even retracting mostly

TimeSkip, 3 hours

"How much longerrrr" I groan in boredom, not even the view from way up here is enough anymore

"Well get down here and I'll tell you" Esdeath yells from below

"Fine" I retract my tendrils and fall to the ground, my tendrils making a bowl below me to break my fall "How much longer?" I ask with my hands behind my back

"Not far now, just a few more minutes until we hit the treeline outside their camp" She looks ahead into the trees "Oh, I guess my math was off" She shrugs

"Can I go by myself?" I look up at her

"Sure, but take this with you" She says, handing me a necklace bearing the symbol on her chest

"Ooo what is it?" I toy with it after I put it on

"It'll let me find you anywhere, anytime" She pats my head, running her fingers through my H/C hair, tugging slightly "Now go, have fun" She pats my cheek and I run into the forest

"Let's see what you can do" I whisper before 6 tendrils shoot out of my back, and stop me? I look down to see 2 tendrils dug in front of me and the other 4 are making trenches behind me. I look around for danger but only see what looks like a spider's web. Suddenly I'm thrust into the sky by me tendrils and they run me over the forest, seemingly avoiding something that lays below. They stop me midair and I'm left suspended in the sky, I look down to see a large building shoved in the side of a mountain. 

"Looks like what we're looking for" I say and fall, after the ground is broken I run after the building, tendrils launching me forward occasionally. A tendril shoots in front of me and a loud thud vibrates through it, three more line the tendril and I see a little silhouette run from the top of a hill.

"Oh don't go now!, we haven't even fought yet!" I try after her but can't make it before she gets inside "Boring" I mutter and continue on

"Go no further" I hear a male voice say from behind "Turn now and I'll le-" I cut him off by hitting him away

"Esdeath is counting on me to kill a few of you before she gets here with the rest" I feel 2 more tendrils shoot from my back "So I think I'll be staying" I smile wide and run at him, 3 tendrils out front, the rest pushing me ahead.

Author's Note:

Sorry for any inaccuracies. Sorry in advance.

Esdeath x Young Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now