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He dodges the first few blows,and even manages to lodge his sword into one of my tendrils, almost costing him his weapon. Now 2 of my tendrils are wrapped around my vitals and an arm, my right. 

"Why have you chosen to side with the empire, we could've used  an ally like you" I imagine he's smiling under the mask, or at least has a grin

"Because it's fun, that and Esdeath is good to me, unlike any of your revolutionary types" The memory of constant embarrassment and teasing done by my 'family', who served in the revolution

"I'm sorry you've had poor experiences with our movement, but not all-"

"IT DOESN'T MATTER NOW" I yell and tendrils start ripping apart my body, tearing out and retracting back, I feel my lips curl into a wide smile "I'm here to kill you" I say simply before going at him once more. He dodges, obviously, same direction as before so I swung 3 tendrils at him, making contact. I hear a loud cracking sound, like the sound of glass and rocks smashing against each other. I hit in the same direction, making contact again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Finally I stop, my head swirling into a spiral of insanity and disillusions, the world seems to become smaller in my eyes, small as a flea. Everything else is dark, except for the flea-sized world of light I can see in front  of me, it's heat radiating. I walk toward it, but it moves, I want the heat but it doesn't want me. I start running and it becomes bigger and bigger until nothing is black and everything is white, so white. I open my mouth and the taste of cream pies and cake fills my mouth, so I open again and the taste returns. I keep biting at the whiteness, trying to taste as much as I can, and I do, I eat and bite and chew until there's no taste to be had. The white turns to green and grey, and the blurriness of my previous world vanishes and all that's left is a pile of flesh, barely recognizable as the man I was fighting. His sword is planted into the earth just to his left, his hand still holding on. I taste iron and copper in my mouth, no more cake or cream pie, nothing but a dull metallic remnant. 

"Y/N?" I hear from behind me

"Hello!" I turn around to see Esdeath, looking proud

"You killed your first raider, good work Y/N" She hops off her horse and runs over to me, hugging me when she arrives

"Thank you Edseath!" I hug back, inhaling her intoxicating scent

"Now we get to raid Night Raid!" She smiles expectantly at me

"..." I don't get it

"Nevermind, it's time for the battle" She tips her head so her eyes glisten against the moonlight

"Let's go!" I say, running after the building shoved into the mountain

Author's Note:

Sorry for any misconsistancies according to the manga/anime. Sorry in advance. 

Esdeath x Young Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now