Chapter 5 - Robber

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"The man whose purse is empty can cheerfully sing before the robber"
- Juvenal

"The man whose purse is empty can cheerfully sing before the robber"- Juvenal

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I feel air brush against my face as his fist goes past, only just missing. Wow that was close. My inexperience in fighting is soon shown as he gets a punch in and I know my ribs will be bruised after.

I quickly get used to the unfamiliar movements and get a hit in at his face. He is stunned and I use that chance when he is vulnerable to hit him again, this time a lot harder, and he loses his balance. I scramble to kick him before he can get up and cringe at the sound of his back hitting the ground again. That's gonna leave a mark.

I quickly grab the girl's arm and retreat, picking up her nearly stolen bag on the way, before I can find out how much damage my newfound powers could do.
After getting to a safe place I let go of her wrist and call the police. My job is done, and I sprint away from her, and once I'm far enough away I make my way down an alleyway, my hands on my knees and my breathing fast. I make my way home and let the police finish the job.

My heart is beating rapidly by the time I get home. I slam the door shut as my mum shouts from the kitchen, "how was basketball practice?"

"It was good", I reply, "I have lots of homework I'll just be in my room"

I run up the stairs before Mum can reply and shut my door, throwing my bag onto the ground. I let out a sigh and touch the spot where I was punched. It aches, reminding me that it wasn't a light punch.
I go to the bathroom and sure enough there is the beginnings of a large bruise, the purples and blues mix together like a painting of a galaxy. I decide to leave it be and do some homework so that I don't get behind.

The next day every time I move there is pain in my side. It's hard to hide my expressions of pain and I struggle not to make it obvious. At lunch Heather and Caleb ask me if I am alright when I moan after trying to eat my food. "I'm good, this food is just so good", I reply with and hum with joy as I take another bite.
They don't buy my excuse.

When it finally gets to the last class of the school day, I am excited to get home and just sleep. Unfortunately for me my last class isn't going to go very fast. As I sit down, I once again feel pain. How long does it take for bruises to heal?

As my head occupies my desk space and my eyes wander out the window, I spot something. On top of a building is a figure walking along the edge. I furrow my eyebrows while wondering what they are doing there. I sit up straighter as they get extremely close to the edge, a fall from that height would cause a lot of damage.

My heart starts beating faster with each step the person takes, thump, thump, thump. Just as I am wondering whether I should go out and do something they take a step of the building and fall. I fly out of my seat and put my hands on the window trying to see the person. But instead of what I expected, the person floats safely to the ground, unharmed.

I stand at the window with my mouth hanging open wondering what just happened. "Kaylee are you alright?", the teacher asks with concern. I turn around to see the whole class looking at me. I gulp and reply with a squeaky voice, "y-yeah, I'm good". I sit back in my chair with a shocked expression still plastered on my face.

Does what I just witnessed mean that the person that fell had powers? Or did someone else save them? Questions fly through my mind like a peregrine falcon. Every way I look at it I come to the conclusion that someone out there has powers like me. My mind wanders through all the possibilities. What if there are lots of other people with powers, or a group of them like the avengers. Imagine that.

The bell rings and I take it as my queue to rush from the classroom. I will find the person or people that are like me later I decide. I practically run all the way home and leap up the stairs to my room. Today mum has a late work shift, so I am home alone. I sit at my desk, opening a spare notebook I have, and try to think of ways I could get in contact or find those people. It is impossible though. I don't know anything about them or even where they could be. I don't know how many of them there are or if they're anything like me, so how would I be able to find them.

Just when I am going to give up and go eat some pizza the light bulb above my head turns on. Not literally but metaphorically. I had an idea.

What if instead of trying to find them, I got them to come to me. If I made myself known anonymously maybe they would contact me. Knowing how stereotypically alike my plan was to all the superhero movies out there makes me cringe but with some hope maybe it would work.
I would find a costume to disguise myself and help people all around the city. I would get known as the anonymous hero and maybe they would come and find me. Not only would it let me find someone like me, but I would be able to actually do some good for the city.
Now I just need to think of a name.

Sorry if this chapter got a bit boring. I didn't have any ideas on how to build up to Kaylee becoming a hero in the city so this is what I got😂. I'm experimenting and trying to find my style of writing so sorry if it gets a bit messy at times.
I don't mind if you point out any spelling or grammatical mistakes but after finishing this whole book I will go back and fix any myself.😊
Have a good day
-Super Bambi

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