Chapter 8 - Whos behind the mask?

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"Behind every mask there is a face, and behind that a story."
- Unknown

The person sitting at the desk looks up in fear and just when he is bringing his fist down, I remember I have telekinesis

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The person sitting at the desk looks up in fear and just when he is bringing his fist down, I remember I have telekinesis. I focus on stopping his hand and it freezes just before hitting the desk. The man draws his fist back in frustration and looks around for me.

Deciding to be brave I swing the door open. "What's up?" I say, trying to calm some of the people in the room, I decide going for the brave approach that will calm people down.

Now I may look like a brave and mysterious girl, in a costume and mask. But I feel far from that. My heart is beating so fast and loud I can hear it pound in my ears, it feels as if it could burst out of my ribs at any moment.

"Who are you?" The man asks with both annoyance and frustration laced in his voice.

"I would like to call myself a saviour, but that's probably not the right word, seeing as I only saved them from possible broken legs", I say. "But I'm here to stop you from... doing what you're doing!" I continue, unsure of what he was doing.

He snarls like the bad guys in movies do and then walks towards me. "And what is a little kid like you going to do about me?"

"Anything. If you dare to try and hurt anyone, I won't stop myself from doing what's needed to evacuate you from the school", I tell him, did I sound professional?

He snorts and slowly hovers from the ground, presumably trying to show off. I smirk at him and do the same. The shocked look in his eyes is not what I was expecting, seeing as I just stopped his fist from flying through a desk.

Why doesn't she just leave me alone, I need to find him, I could hear him think. Who's him?

He flings his fist out, but with the help of my telepathy I know his moves before he does them. I dodge his fist and resume my position in front of him. He looks at me with annoyance and tries to punch me again, but I dodge and hit him in the stomach.

He groans and looks at me with anger. "If it suits you, it would be so cool if you left before I have to do something I'll regret", I tell him.

He scoffs and flies punch after punch through the air, with my reflexes faster than his I can easily dodge them all. I sigh, "do I really have to do this?"

I punch him in the face and his instinct is to push me. I don't see it in advance, and I am pushed through the closed door and into the hallway. I land on my back, and the air gets blown out of me. I cough and try to get my breathing back to normal, but he comes out of nowhere and kicks me, making me slide down the hallway.

He enters another classroom but before he can do anything, I barge in. With the combination of my flying and telepathy I hurl myself at him.
"Arghhhhhh", I hear myself yell and I knock him down to the floor.

I punch him in the face, then again, and again, letting all my frustrations out. I am angry, angry at Mr Popwell for earlier, angry that he had to bring up my dad, angry that this guy ruined my day even more, angry that I will probably have bruises over my back tomorrow and it will hurt to walk. I am angry that this guy thought he could walk in, try and hurt people, and kick me around like a rag doll. I am just so angry.

I stop, my chest rises up and down with heavy breathing. I grab the guys ear and pull him up, like a mother does when her child is naughty, so we are both standing. I glare at him and he whimpers. I look around the class, Lucas is in this class. Everyone looks shocked and scared, except Lucas. He seems surprised but brave, on the verge of standing up, but without being able to read his mind I have no idea what he is thinking.

The man looks at me, before speaking I make sure to make my voice lower than usual, I don't want anybody knowing it is me. "Don't you dare try anything mister", I say shaking my finger at him. "I'm giving you to the police."


After ringing the police and leaving the man tied up in the hallway I get changed and go back to class. I sit in my desk and look around at my whispering peers. "The principal has requested that all students meet in the cafeteria", the teacher says, and everyone files out of the room.

"Oh my gosh did you hear what happened?" Heather asks me.

I fake a confused look and say, "no, I went to the toilet, did something happen?"

"There was a man raging around the classrooms, and someone in a costume came and stopped him", she starts, and then with a bewildered expression on her face she says, "people say they had powers."

"What? Powers?" I say and laugh.

"I'm not joking, someone saw them stop his fist with their mind and they floated in the air"

"How is that possible Heather, stop making stuff up."

"I'm really not Kaylee... ask Lucas! I heard he was in one of the classes!"

"Ok then Heather, whatever your say", I say just as we get to the cafeteria. Caleb and Lucas join us soon after we sit down.

"Heather said you were in the class with the fight", I say to Lucas. "What happened?"

"I don't really know, the guy was standing there and then someone in dark clothes knocked him down and bet him up", he says with a shrug.

"You really saw it?" Caleb asks. "Was it cool?"

"Not really", Lucas says in a bored tone. If only I could read his mind. There's something strange about him, I just can't put my finger on it. Before anyone can say anymore the principal comes in.

"As you all probably know by now someone broke into the school, damaged school property and nearly harmed a student", she says. "Fortunately, someone came and stopped them. I don't know who it was that stopped him, but it would be great if I could thank them."

All the students start talking to each other again, all of them talking about the recent events.

"People said the person who stopped him had a mask on, so no one knows who it was", Caleb tells us.

"I wonder what the man was there for", I state, and everyone nods.

"But more importantly", Caleb says.
"Who's behind the mask?"

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